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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. yeah, but good luck doing end game as a feral druid.

    raid leader: "what spec are you?"

    druid: "feral"

    leader: "is that like, healing and stuff"

    druid: "uhh no"

    leader: "you can heal right"

    druid: "not very we--"

    * druid has been removed from the group

    That doesn't happen as much anymore with feral druids, atleast not on my server. Feral druids heal just fine and people are learning that. Maybe not quite as efficiently as a resto druid, but well enough to heal for bwl. People are also starting to accept that druids can tank instances and offtank pretty decently in raids. I have offtanked sulferon myself and I'm a restoration druid... Amazeingly enough I get to use innervate on MYSELF because our priests aren't total retards.

    In regards to the hunter gripe a bit further up. Track hidden is trash, it does NOT track stuff like track beasts/humanoids/ect. It improves stealth detection slightly, and if the hunter detects someone stealthed yeah there will be a dot, but as soon as you move away the dot will disapear. Track hidden has never alerted me of rogues or cats before they were already within range of stunning me, and most hunters keep their pet on defensive or passive so the pet probably won't react. A good rogue can kill a good hunter, yeah hunters have an advantage, but they are killable.

  2. I'd do it, 60 druid...horde side.

    Specced 8-11-32 so I can attend raids but still pvp reasonably well.

    Wouldn't you guys have to list off names though we could find each other in that case?

    Druids name is Lorenith in that case...if I get on anyway.

  3. PVP isn't that bad, there's three types of areas on a pvp server, friendly, contested, and enemy. In friendly territory someone of the other faction can't attack you unless you're flagged for pvp. In contested territory you're automaticly flagged and anyone can attack you (and you can attack anyone.) And in enemy territory you can't attack anyone unless they are flagged for pvp. It's not really that bad, yeah there is occasional ganking, but if you're an alert and good player it won't happen that often. (It's always fun to kill people that are trying to gank you :twisted: )

    On a PVE realm all territory is pretty much friendly and the other faction can't attack you unless you're flagged for pvp. (PVE means player vs environment). If you don't want to worry about being ganked on occasion play on a pve server and never type /pvp.

  4. Sargeras is a good pvp server, it's not as balanced as it once was, but the alliance don't outnumber us horribly. It'd be nice if Horde got more players though, and horde side is fairly friendly/drama free. (Unlike the alliance side).

    PVP is strong, and all bg's I've played in can go either way now. (At one point horde reined surpreme, then all our "big" guilds transfered off.) I prefer it going either way myself just cause it means theres some meaning to playing the game.

    There is plenty of world pvp.

    PVE wise most guilds are playing catch up because all the big ones left in our transfer. We currently have 2 guilds hordeside that can kill nef, and several on their way.

    There are many large and small guilds with onyxia on farm status mc up to rag and downing him.

    If you want a leveling buddy I'd be willing to possibly roll something with ya...I guess a priest or actualy level my 5 rogue....

  5. Watch Ming on LB.

    He honestly doesn't do anything but move and thats just foward and backward. all the turning and everything else is done for him.

    And he is still doing it.

    I beleive you, I'm saying it's illegal and if you report him for it enough they will eventualy look into it and terminate his account.

    It's the same with anything else, lots of farmers get whiped out simply because people report them enough, sure a new crop of farmers/exploiters show up within a few days, but Blizzard actualy does investigate people that cheat in the game and take action for it despite all the whineing and bitching you see people doing.

  6. ... Not to mention your pvp whores who mod like mad.. I've seen players that the only thing they do is run and jump around in combat as their programs read off commands and use the skills it finds appropriate, he just uses his other UI's to swap equipment as he sees fit while the UI does the rest...

    These mods he's supposidly useing should no longer work after patch 1.10, they made it so that only the default UI is allowed to use "hooks" in its code. Also, even before 1.10 they were illegal and a bannable offence.

    If these players have mods that allow them to play without giveing any real input to the game they might as well be botting and I have heard and seen people have their account terminated for much smaller offences.

  7. Wingless, if you're reading this. From what level is your StarFox "Obsidian Ocean"? It says it's from Zection Z but I can't get there and according to vgmusic.com it's the same music as the sun level but it sounds nothing like it.

    It's from sector Y in the first starfox game actualy.

    Sectore Y was an awsome level, there were killer sting rays, jelly fish, and giant whales all over that part of spave, which may be why his remix was called "Obsidian Ocean".

    Oh yeah, to stay on topic.

    This song is beautifull! I love the piano. :D

  8. That's funny cause most horn parts I have seen old or not are written just like every other part, with a key signature.

    Sure it may be the classical way to do it, but if people wanted to do it the classical way then there probably wouldn't be "flag trumpets" with valves either, yet there you go, we've got flag trumpets with valves to play on since it's easier and more practical for general use.

  9. I can honestly say, I totaly missed the dynamics in the score 8O. In my defense it WAS like 4 in the morning.

    For the flute/piccolo just move everything up an octave (or 2).

    For the the trumpet part if you want to make it highschool friendly I don't think you'd have to take it down an octave, changeing the note may work. Although I can understand your reluctance to alter what is already there.

    All of the parts look extremely simple even for highschool band, if it wasn't for range I could probably hand this to a middle school band and ask them to play it and get a reasonable responce.

    If you do get the college to do this, ask them if you can get a recording of the band doing it, I want to hear what this sounds like when the saxaphones aren't makeing a hostile takeover of my eardrums.

  10. Midiness aside, it's kind of bland and the wind part is too loud feeling to me. It feels like it should be in the background.

    It's really hard for me to distinguish instruments in midi. (which is funny cause it's all I have to work with myself).

    I play trumpet so I'll peak at the score for you.

    I know how to do a bit of stuff to midis if you want me to do that just pm me with the original midi file, and I'll do as much as I can for dynamics and stuff that the free version of anvil studio will let me.

    EDIT: Trumpet part is mostly cake.... The constant C's above the staff might be a bit much for a Highschool band though, actualy I can gurantee that they are a bit much.

    The tenor sax part is fine too, from what my friends have told me tenor range is a little less then trumpet (before it starts sounding shitty)

    The flute/piccolo part is probably a bit low though for even really good people to play unless its on like...an alto flute. I've met a single flute player that cam play from about the middle a or b of the staff and up. (If you've looked at flute music before you'll notice most of what they play is like...8+ above the staff, I have no idea how they can read that stuff.) Again not extremely feasable for a highschool band.

    I don't know a whole lot about low brass, but I could argue that some of the Tuba part is a bit too high to be practicle for a tuba player...especialy in highschool.

    At the highschool level there aren't really a lot of trumpet players able to consitently play C's above the staff and do it well. A college band might be able to do it, but if this is to stay for a highschool band you'll have to tone down a lot of parts.

    EDIT#2: I missed the part with Aux percussion, but if this is ment to just be a standtune you won't need Aux at all unless you means just crash symbols for the snare's to play on.

  11. I leave my computer running for months at a time...it hasn't suffered any ill effects yet and I've had it for almost 6 years now.

    I'm told turning computers on and off is bad for them because it puts stress on the components with the sudden rush of electricity, they can be shorted out or something I guess.

    Running a computer too long might be bad if your computer generates a lot of heat I would suppose...

    So maybe both theories are true....

    Either way, my computer takes about the same amount of time to fold a unit of 2000 as it does a unit of 100. Which is about 2ish days.

  12. The rush is on for Horde side still, as last I checked there is *NO* Horde guild that has killed Nefarion...yet. Only Alliance side with their "omg it's not unbalanced" unbalanced Blessing of Salvation.

    I don't know about your server, but I'm pretty sure the Horde guild "TKT" on my server (Sargeras) has downed Nefarior without useing blessing of Salvation.

    That "corncob of doom" is a pretty nifty little staff.

  13. The time limit is also cool cause it means you won't have idiots farming for cp. :roll:

    It can be really bad though if you're in a group of people that don't like to work together, yesterday I came into the end of a game where everyone was just argueing, they had lost by a pretty large scale too.

  14. Takes you 15 minutes to kill one...I'm a DRUID. It'd probably take me 20-30 minutes to kill one if I bothered with it, which I never will considering a druid v druid fight takes that long, druid v pally probably takes even longer, and I have better things to do then see who had the bigger mana pool.

  15. The judges I think were a bit too hard, the mix is good, the orchestral part isn't all that sudden in coming or going. Sure there were flubs, but he's only human, and sometimes mistakes add character, I rather like the piece as is mistakes and all.

    Music does not have to be mechanicly perfect in order to be good or acceptable.

    I like this piece myself.

    Even if I didn't like it for some reason, I would still admit it has character.

  16. I guess I'm not exactly new I've been lurking a really really long time. Sometimes I post things, but that is rare because either it's already been said, or the things I post are generaly ignored. (Darn my low charisma score...) (ignore the bad D&D joke)

    I just recently started actively posting so I decided I'd introduce myself now, as I seem to have a bit more to say these days.

    Anyway, I draw things and I really like constructive critisism. *coughlookatmyartcough*

    I enjoy video games of all kinds, as well as a wide variety of music.

    Um, not much else to say, I guess people will figure me out a bit better (maybe) if I hang around and talk more. So yeah, that's it.

  17. While the trumpet sound isn't exactly "characteristic" of a trumpet, the sound isn't bad either, I've heard a simular sound out of a real trumpet before (being a trumpet player myself.) I think the patch suits the song wonderfully, midi-ish sounding or not (which to me that's a not because midi-ish trumpet sounds like crap.)

    I really liked the progression of this entire song, the beggining is very pretty, and the end too. The middle section is very fun to listen to for me with the nifty strings and percusion, and like I said I like the lead trumpet and the way it was mirrored by other instruments, it really adds to the sound.

    I think in the entire song the only change I would personaly make is bringing out the bass drum hit at 2:40. But that's probably a matter of stylistic taste. And spending years with band directors that would have done that had we been playing a song such as this.

    Er anyway... nifty song I like it and sometimes want to listen to it several times before moving on to the next.


  18. Out of tune? What? It doesn't sound out of tune to me, and my ear is pretty well trained, although it's more trained to pick out instruments that are out of tune with each other. Which these instruments are not, meaning they are in tune by the definition of any band or orchestra.

    That aside

    This peice sounds just fine, nifty guitarness and everything! Several fun solos too, and a nifty bass part. The ending is very pretty.

    My only complaint is it's kindof hard to pick the parts out, everything is really muddy sounding so I had to concentrait really hard on the peice, but I do enjoy the song for what it is, that being some pretty awsome guitar.


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