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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Yeah but that'd defeat the purpose of raising ones own pokemon.

    Oh yeah, I might be a little uh...drunk for half the first week of July, I just turned 21 a few days ago and the friend I'm visiting is probably going to insist I drink. So any match up with me may have to be postponed till the next week.

  2. I kind of enjoyed the poke-floats, granted not all the time, just for fun though it's nifty with all the jumping and dodging around.

    While most of those stages are more of a novelty, I would be sad to see those sorts of gimmicky stages avoided, in favor of only "tournament style" stages. They're just a nice change of pace to play on for shits and giggles.

    It'd be nice if they kept a nice mix of both sorts of stages in this game too.

  3. Actually, DK does less than he did in DK64. He lacks his gun and all those other wacky moves. So this kinda shuts down your "give them movesets that don't fit the character."

    Uh, I'm pretty sure DK64 came out AFTER SSB by a couple of months.

    And really now, DK wasn't all that different in DK64 from any other thing in the past. Yeah he learns some special abilities, playing an instrument, throwing bombs, and so on. But his core play is still pretty similar to when he was in DKC, and the way he acts in smash still fits his character even if he isn't hurling explosive oranges or shooting people in the face with a coconut gun.

    Oh and, hey look fox is in the game! :tomatoface:

    Nice to get a close up though, he doesn't look too bad if you ignore his wonky shaped head.

  4. Arr, I think his point is that a lot of characters in their original games didn't have as developed a move set as they got for smash. Most characters start pretty simple with just being able to jump on stuff to kill it or throw things around. In DKC all DK could really do was jump on stuff, throw barrels, roll, or do that ground pound thing, which is much less than he does in smash. :3

    So I'm not really so sure if saying "x character just wouldn't work" can hold an argument for most any characters they'd consider to go into smash. It seems to have been pretty easy so far to expand on all the different characters fight styles without it seeming awkward to the character.

    How many times did I say "character" in this post now x.x

  5. While it'd be nifty if Sonic (and Tails, and Knuckles) showed up, I wouldn't feel terribly disappointed over it if they didn't.

    Maybe some of the more....fanatical sorts will, but it doesn't seem like something that would start a riot.

    I'd like to see Mewtwo come back, with improvements to make him a little more playable. He was kind of fun to use.

  6. The application of eggs is not really the same as using Falcos laser, and they aren't necessarily meant to hit always the opponent.

    Either way, I haven't touched or looked at the game in ages, and my skill level at the game has always kind of been right on the cusp of really good, and just a casual player, so what do I know?

    I'm wondering if Yoshi will have some more changes to him in Brawl. It took a while to adjust to him in melee.

  7. I dunno, the few times I've tried with sheik it was ridiculously easy to string a combo together with her without really thinking about it at all. Other characters aren't as easy, but there's short ones you can have in mind for later use.

    But eh, I'm a Yoshi player, my thing is juggling and annoying people with eggs, which I guess could be...really short pansy combos if you look at it right.

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