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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. At first I didn't really like the song bit posted, but I think I kind of like it, at first it seemed extremely jumbled and confusing.

    And I used to main Yoshi, so I'll be happy if he's still in the game! (Although I've got thoughts of switching to meta knight or pit...)

  2. Yar, arrangement wise this has good energy. Gets a bit stale near the beginning before the transition, which is very good I might add (the transition I mean).

    Sound wise I'll agree with red shadow that you could probably improve on that. Some areas are great to me, but the drums are a bit icky, and the lead instrument for the egg corridor portions of the song is kind of bland.(I like the high pitched bits though).

    Keep working on it though, it's coming out pretty nifty so far.

  3. If you're desperate enough (hell, I did it for a year before I got my wi-fi dongle, and I still do it when I don't have steady access to wireless internet), you can camp for access points. Almost every McDonald's has an access point now that's free for DS users, and they're everywhere. A lot of gas stations have wireless internet, and if all else fails, seek out neighborhood unprotected wireless. It's cheap and poor, but it works.

    There is a chance of there being wireless there, I just figured I'd be wanting to spend time with the friends I haven't seen in about 3 years over playing pokemon. :P (Not to mention I don't know how to configure my DS for wireless stuff, someone else did it for me here).

  4. Smartass replies aside :P

    I don't think I'll get too far, I was just asking because if I DO progress past the first two matches, I don't want to hold the tournament up when I go out of town for 10 days.

    I was essentially asking about it because if there will be a problem I'd like to drop out of the tournament now before schedualing problems arise.

  5. If you happen to find an adamant female Sneasel I'll love you forever (not really). I just need one for breeding purposes.

    But seriously I've hatched like...50 eggs now looking for one. I just can't find anything I want in this game so far and it's turning into a big painful grind.

  6. Either I got lucky or the champion is faaar easier than the last guy in the E4...anyway finally beat them, now I gotta get the national dex so I can start working on a competitive team.

    If anyone wants a male sneasle or buneary with ice punch to use as breeding fodder pm me or something, I've got a handful, buneary is in the Humanoid/Ground egg groups sneasle is in the Ground Egg group. I don't know how much anyone cares for the particular attack but whatever..they're left overs from a little breeding experimenting I'm doing.

  7. That's a little odd, what does your Staraptor know? It should be able to handle all his pokemon in one or two shots with a wing attack (+brave bird for the vespqueen) except for the scorpion thing. (Used Golem for the scorpion, earthquake squishes it rather effectively).

    my Staraptor has a nature that lowers its attack power and is only lv 52 at the moment...so theres no reason yours shouldn't be plowing through those bug types at lv 55.

    Mine knows Fly, Brave Bird, Wing Attack, and Close Combat. (Maybe not the best move set...I kind of miss quick attack, but oh well).

  8. No. It's not a problem as much as that you want to spend some time levelling up in there before you take on the E4. Also, if you plan on tackling it as you are now... bring a WHOLE LOT of revives and full restores... stupid medichams.....rrrr.

    Oh yeah..I'm having more trouble with the machokes than the medichams, that submission really hurts x____x. I'm also finding the need for every HM under the sun in there to be extremely irritating, I have to drop a member of my team that won't get any training. because of it, I suppose I could stick him in the day care till I finish up the victory road though...

  9. You could get something with gravity...(like clefairy)

    Or teach a pokemon fling and equip it with a heavy metal ball to throw at brozong.

    I've actually considered both tactics for getting earthquake to work since two of my stronger pokemon know it. Haven't tried them and might not go through the trouble of it, but then again...levitate is pretty damn annoying.

    Or just use something else against the brozong, they're defense isn't terribly good maybe the E4 one is different.

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