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Everything posted by Global-Trance
I thought you didn't even want to bother with that sort of play. Edit: Try using R. Hey, I said I was messing around just to see if I could. And I did try R. Doesn't help. I've gotten to about a 33% efficiency rate with the L button though. There's no way I'd ever try playing someone with this technique. I find it much easier with R. I normally shield and dodge with L, but I wavedash with R. L Cancelling is Lag Cancelling. That is, Lag Cancelling aerial A moves. After an aerial A move, press block right before landing (timing is slightly different among all the characters). If you do it right, you cut down the lag in recovery time by about 50%. The best example of L Cancelling is with Link's downthrust move. Downthrust and land without trying to L Cancel. Lots of lag, right? Now try to L Cancel it. If you do it right, you should be able to move a lot sooner after you land. If you think you are capable of it, you can spot lots of L Cancelling in my recorded practice videos on the page before this. Edit: Peach players don't need to L Cancel. Her aerial A moves done while floating self cancel the lag. Ness's aerial up A and down A also self cancel the lag but only on short hops. I might be missing some other character quirks, but those are the only things that come to mind at the moment.
I thought you didn't even want to bother with that sort of play. Edit: Try using R.
See it's one thing to watch a video and say "I would do this if I fought you." but that's not always how it works. If he played differently, that is... if he actually was good, I would have turned up the heat and played differently. Even when I turn up the heat though, I still don't even consider myself tournament calibur. When I use the word tournament, I mean a serious one and not some make-shift college tournament or whatever.
Only got a chance to look at your 1st and last vids. First of all, excellent quality on the visuals. I don't know what kind of camera/ video encoder you have, but it looks nice! It was interesting watching your play style. Not as frantic as a lot of Falco's, but you seem to have most of the technical quirks down pat. I always love to see the down spike- reflector action going on. I do that a lot myself when I'm falco. Hey many thanks, Broken. If you were wondering how I recorded it, I used my roommate's DVD Recorder out in the living room. One of those VCR things but DVDs instead of VHS. I recorded it on DVDs, then ripped them to wmv in Windows Movie Maker since my Adobe Premiere crashes whenever I try to open it (*uninstalls it*). As for Falco, I try to be a mix of fast, precise, and tricky. The whole precision thing makes me not be as frantic. My policy is that extra movements will just get me hit more often. Your Falco is pretty good, although you didn't edgehog or b-air as much as I would. Q isn't that good of a doc player though. TCP and I recorded some matches today, I'll be able to upload them when I can borrow my friend's tv tuner. (Usually we just record onto VHS and then rip it from there.) I didn't edgehog as much because I knew I didn't need to. Q is okay at Doc, but he plays super defensively and tries to go for cheap kills if possible. He totally thinks he's good.
Only got a chance to look at your 1st and last vids. First of all, excellent quality on the visuals. I don't know what kind of camera/ video encoder you have, but it looks nice! It was interesting watching your play style. Not as frantic as a lot of Falco's, but you seem to have most of the technical quirks down pat. I always love to see the down spike- reflector action going on. I do that a lot myself when I'm falco. Hey many thanks, Broken. If you were wondering how I recorded it, I used my roommate's DVD Recorder out in the living room. One of those VCR things but DVDs instead of VHS. I recorded it on DVDs, then ripped them to wmv in Windows Movie Maker since my Adobe Premiere crashes whenever I try to open it (*uninstalls it*). As for Falco, I try to be a mix of fast, precise, and tricky. The whole precision thing makes me not be as frantic. My policy is that extra movements will just get me hit more often.
Awesome. I just watched the one where you use the Ice Climbers. Pretty awesome. I don't really know how to use them, but grabing people with IC is pretty easy. I was messing around with them this weekend against my friend and he couldn't beat me when I was using them. That's actually one of my weaker Ice Climbers moments... but thanks!
Well here's some of the practice games... Now that I think about it, I'm slower than usual in these videos than I normally play. G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 1 (Items).wmv G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 2.wmv G-T(IC) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 3.wmv G-T(JPuff) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 4.wmv G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 5.wmv G-T(Falco) vs. Q(Doc) - Practice 6.wmv Edit: Fixed links. Those are all for now.
S2 is weak lol.
Me and my buds were going to go but we had summer school then. My friends that went got served though. S2 and Keys.
Shoot. I would love to go, but knowing my work, I might have to work that week.
Doesn't it get loud as all all because of the veggies?
This DVD recorder thing is working out fine... I got things converted to AVI in XviD but I have to edit out all the fluff... so expect some videos hopefully later today.
Wavedashing itself wasn't intended as tactic. It was just overlooked as a part of the game's character physics. I got some DVD-RWs so I can record a bit of how I play. Are we all still down with sharing videos of ourselves to learn from each other? Cuz I want to learn more about this magnificent fun game.
I guess I'll buy some DVD-RWs tomorrow when we go watch Snakes on a Plane.
Well my roommate informed me that we have a DVD recorder out in the living room hooked up to the TV and all. I could record some video of my playing style with my characters... but I don't know how fun it would be for you guys to watch.
That's a wonderful idea. I guess playing on your monitor would be the easiest way to do it. And using some recording thingy. Well not all of us can play using our computer monitors... Any other suggestions?
Hey guys, I was wondering how to go about the easiest way to record Smash onto video to upload. I was thinking we could share videos of our gameplay and maybe learn tips/tricks/techniques from each other...
At first it started out pretty average and slow but it got a lot more fun to watch as it went on. They started to get their timing down... though sometimes they missed their L-Cancels when it mattered. Either way, it was a good match. I thought Ganondorf had it in the bag until Falcon started nailing those knees spot on. As for the question earlier about characters... I main Falco (got that dashing short hop laser fast fall / pillaring combos / L-Cancelling timing down). Other characters I play include Jigglypuff (probably my 2nd best), Ness (3rd), Ice Climbers (4th). People say I'm pretty good with all of them so far (When I meet new people I play everyone but Falco unless they beat me). I'm currently trying to learn Captain Falcon and Marth right now. I don't know if I will buckle under and learn Sheik at some point..
Could you give an explanation to that? It's been a long time since I've played and I can't quite figure out everything that happened by looks. Yea what is going on???
I can't tell you how many tries it took to beat her...then I found out that using Bahamut in the third phase nearly guarantees victory... She was actually one of the easier bosses I fought on my NO SPHERE GRID GAME. Lately bosses haven't been tough for me, but I will consider the DEMON CHESS BOARD near the end of Devil May Cry 3 on Dante Must Die Mode a ridiculously hard "boss". Edit: FYI, Stage 5 is the fucking win good sir, and not just because of the kickin' soundtrack. The whole game is too easy but I gladly replay it every so often due to the killer soundtrack. Omega Boost ftw.
I dont think they would work out at all... there from a fighting game, and none of the other SSBB are. and common. how could you HADOKEN w/o↓↘→p Neutral B. It worked for Mario and Luigi. Edit: Yea, I meant heavy in the fact that he falls like he gets spiked all the damn time.
My buddies play with Ken. Freaking awesome. You live near LA? Ken is amazing with Marth, sure, especially coming out of nowhere and winning a tournament a few years back, but I'm not very fond of how he beat Bombsoldier in that Japanese tourney, with the chain throwing against Falco. I won't say it's cheap, but it's not very exciting to watch, and it's a bit of a take-every-advantage-you've-got tactic. I like Azen better. With his play-every-character philosophy. Actually, Isai/Malva. With his insane SSB64 skills. Yea I'm about an hour from LA. I haven't had the honor of playing anyone like Ken in a tournament yet, but just about everyone in my "Smash Crew" has played him or watched him play in person on several occasions. He is pretty nuts with Marth. I agree with what you said about the match against Bombsoldier. That chain throwing is disgusting, especially against heavies like Falco. It makes me sad inside cuz I'm a Falco user myself.
My buddies play with Ken. Freaking awesome.
Any videos of the matches from the tournament?
WTF. Ice Climbers better not be gone. They're one of my best characters aside from Falco, Jiggly, and Ness.