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Everything posted by Global-Trance

  1. It's right on top of the backwards C. You should see some circles and a wing. I think it looks a bit more like Buzz Lightyear's spaceship than the Epoch... Here is the original that I used. As you can see, all I did was just flip it.
  2. You know. This was exactly what I was about to post. o_O
  3. It's right on top of the backwards C. You should see some circles and a wing.
  4. So the backpack guy is out of place... that's just me being artistic. But yea... I just don't want to make the cover all Chrono in people's faces.
  5. Stars seem blocky, but I like where you're going with it. It's a good approach to the cover art. Looks like Chrono Symphonic will have some good choices. Edit: Anyone see if the blue one I put up was a good choice of blue? No one really responded on it.
  6. Hmmm only changed the color... better than green?
  7. Ah. I'm tweaking it as we speak. It was just a quick sample of what my style of cover art is... anything on there is easy to edit. As for the guy sitting there... well... that represents my view of the connection between us and Chrono Trigger. The guy (represents us... modern day) looking back on the Wings of Time flying by (our past/memories)... but yea... I can get deep with this stuff lol. I'll just play with the color, because right now that guy connects with the Epoch and vice versa.
  8. I kinda like it as it is. That guy sitting there is looking at the Wings of Time as it flies overhead. Thanks for the input though. I can kinda see what you're getting at.
  9. I made mine while playing Counter-Strike: Source. Talk about trying to do too many things at once. Edit: Make that Counter-Strike: Source and Devil May Cry 3. Fun times.
  10. My first attempt at cover art for this project. Though grungy, I was able to show a lot of the emotion in it through the mix up of complex and simple images with a soft color (which can be changed to anything I please) to give it a spark of life. If you look hard enough, you can see the Wings of Time that we all know and love. Global-Trance - Chrono Symphonic (Beta Mix) ==>(I tend to title my art this way.) Oops... I should have worked on the banner first... Edit: I'd like to add that the backwards C wasn't my idea... it was Claado's... I can easily change it of course.
  11. ... I'm gonna throw down some cover art soon. I'll show you guys in a bit.
  12. Haha. CTCronoboy, I can teach you.
  13. Looking at everything that's been made so far, I guess I really should start doing some design work.
  14. Hey Claado, got your PM. Talk to me on AIM. I think I can help you out.
  15. Seriously. Seriously.
  16. Seriously.
  17. bios/pictures
  18. Well I don't have sketches, so ask Mythril.
  19. We have sketches?
  20. I'm not down with snakes in this case seeing that they have nothing to do with Doom. If everyone else wants it that's cool with me. Also if her friend is willing to photo-manipulate her go ahead. It'll save me trouble. However if he does, I would like the original photo + the manipulation incase I don't like it. The rest is up to everyone else.
  21. Where the hell are the pictures?!
  22. I was thinking "Earth to Mars" as in a play on the phrase used on someone that's oblivious to his/her surroundings... i.e. "Earth to John!" But that sounds kinda funny to me.
  23. I showed this to Mythril a long time ago. I had done this real quick in Photoshop. Looks just like the Doom 3 title screen without the '3'
  24. Make it as high quality/high res as possible. Thanks in advance guys.
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