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John Revoredo

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Status Updates posted by John Revoredo

  1. Cool!! ^_^ . Man i should get working on that nights wip. But first i have to finish OA's wip... and rozo's wip. Damn, so much stuff to do.

  2. Edited my last post. I shouldn't say these things on the internet ._.

  3. Happy birthday!! :---DD

  4. Hey man, sorry for the late reply. I'll be absent until mid july, because of final exams. I'll make a post on the forums and in the bc site.

  5. I left a message explaining the whole thing at http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=34183 .

    Tell me what you want me to do, and I'll get right away with it. :D

    BTW,.. is it me or there is only Brandon's wip? :-3

    EDIT : added emoticon! :DD

  6. Oh my god.. you changed your username!! :-|

  7. Sir, you are awesome!

  8. Thanks a lot dude! I still have a job to hand for tomorrow (LOL.. a job to hand...... . . . . nevermind XD) . But anyways, today I'm gonna eat cake (unless it's a lie.. I hope not!)

    Once again, thanks! ^_^

  9. Thanks for the FF4 video!. It was awesome !... and you made my mix sound really badass !! LOL

  10. What does OA stand for? Overclocked Awesome? ^_^

  11. Why wouldn't i accept the ocr friendship of somebody with that AWESOME USERNAME??!! Holy shit! :D

  12. Yo, Epitaph / Luke Keever/ LuketheXjesse . Nice to.. Meet you? LOL

  13. Your birthday is past tomorrow! . Since I know I'm gonna forget ... happy birthday!. :-DD

  14. Your username is FULL OF WIN.

    and damn.. it's awesome.

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