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I3lack Templar

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Everything posted by I3lack Templar

  1. My Mistake. You know, This Mix Makes for a Great Ending credits. Like for the up and comming Zero 4? Probably too late for that though. Oh well. The Timeings for the Transitions (Especialy How the Tempo gets a Juiceing in 2:52) are spot on.
  2. 'For Endless Fight' and 'Departure' At least thats what the officials Call those Level Themes. Im loving it. You took Music with Very fast Tempo, Slowed it down AND made it work! My hats off to yoU! Hopefully we will see more Zero series Music in the future
  3. I like it. Its a bit slow for my tastes though (I guess im too used to the more Faster music in Frontmissions. And yes i still have it.its not a wonder we have frontmission 4) What i would personaly love (And i hope the rest of you would agree) is to have someone remix the Final Boss Organ music. Other than that. Im definatly putting this peice into my easy listening Folder. Wow. if you put it into a loop, you cant really tell when its hit the end and starts again.
  4. Some one Said Something about Time Lord for the Nes? Ok i Actualy Defeated that Mexican Poncho Guy (Only ever did it once and that took 2 HOURS! One Hard as hell boss i fought was the Final Boss for doom 2 Without Cheats its Hard as hell, Trying to stick on the platform to get that one lucky shot into that deamons brain. Sigh Good times Good times Doc Oc From Spiderman 2 Was VERY irratating for the Final Fight. MAN! GRRR! Another hard boss was Abbads Uber Dragon From Panzer Dragoon Orta. I had a bitch of a time till i learned how to shoot down his Magenta Bolts Oh ya then there is Some Bosses from the Rockman Zero Series On the GBA Those who have played it know what i am talking about.
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