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  1. After several months of work, I've completed my VRC6 chiptune cover trilogy of the first 3 Mega Man games with Mega Man 2, this time at 60FPS thanks to YouTube updating their site recently: Mega Man 2 Remade - Bandcamp The album on Bandcamp is set to "Pay what you want," which means it's free unless you want to pay me. This is a re-imagining of Mega Man 2's soundtrack using Famitracker, a NES music creation tool. With it, I can use expansion chips used in the Japanese Famicom. This album uses VRC6 and is in stereo- the Famicom (or a modded NES) could play these, minus the stereo.
  2. Little video some friends and I shot a while back of our boozy rendition of the catchiest tune every to blow out an ocarina. Accordion, guitar and washtub-bass. And the version I recorded to submit to OCR, on accordion,autoharp, toy piano and pokemon card on tire spokes. https://soundcloud.com/worldsbestgrandpa/soggy-carousel-song-of-storms Decided to finally sub it today after a year of thumb-twidling. Please enjoy!
  3. I keep forgetting to post here, but I was asked to be part of the month of weekly treats curated by the Chiptunes=WIN community, spearheaded of course by Brandon "President Hoodie" Hood. My turn finally came up about a week ago, and here's the result! Coffee Stomp You can check out the full compilation here: http://www.weeklytreats.net/ I had a ton of fun writing this track (even though it caused me more than a little stress with the deadline). This was my first foray into aggressive low-tempo and bass heavy electronic music. For those curious, EVERYTHING IN HERE aside from the drums and an acoustic bass sample chopped up and used (sparingly) in the section at 1:37 (and again at 3:39) is either an FL 11 default (NES instruments, electronic basses) or a soundfont (all SNES/Genesis instruments). All of the EDM-y bass stuff was GMS, which, if you have FL 11 and haven't looked into it yet, I highly encourage you to do - it's extremely powerful for something you don't have to pay extra for. If you've got any questions about the synth itself, don't hesitate to ask, I'd love to offer some pointers if anyone wants them. Anyway, enjoy and let me know what you think! EDIT: Also the final master was done by my bestie and roommate ectogemia on VERY short notice. Go give him a follow if you feel so inclined
  4. Remix: https://soundcloud.com/emunator/moonlight-meditations-secret Hey all, I've been hard at work extending/revising/wrapping up many of my old remixes right now, but in the meantime, I wanted to post something older that I never shared here before. This was recorded around a year ago in one take, 100% improvised, so there's an inherent degree of roughness/sloppiness to the performance because I was coming up with chords, melodies, and arrangement as I played. I was in a dark place for most of the 2nd half of 2013, and this was the one of the only real pieces of music I was able to produce that year. I feel like it channeled a lot of the melancholy that I was feeling at the time, and ended up being very cathartic to record. Throw this on late at night and enjoy the vibes, hopefully it's not too boring! I promise I'll have more new music incoming soon!
  5. "Hello Hello" Hey guys! My son and I are obsessed with the Five Nights at Freddy's games (FNAF1 & FNAF2). When I discovered that all the sfx were available on the FNAF wiki page, I just had to do a remix. This track is based on the Puppet's music box theme that appears in FNAF2, which is "My Grandfather's Clock." Since this tune wasn't written for the game, my mix is ineligible for submission to OCR, but I had to do it anyway. I'm hoping my fellow FNAF fans will enjoy it anyway. It was a lot of fun to make! From FNAF2: "My Grandfather's Clock" - the Puppet's music box theme Balloon Boy vocals heavy breathing sfx from the Freddy mask From FNAF1: all other sfx!
  6. Hi guys, here's a song I made a long time ago. It is based on video game music, so it sounds like video game music. I hope you'll enjoy it! https://soundcloud.com/cyber3000studios/selfmade_vgm_part2
  7. Hi! What do you guys and gals think about the female Commander Shepard in Mass Effect 3? I made a music video based on my character as Commander Shepard in Mass Effect 3. Take a look at the video and please let me know what you think! Video link: Cheers! Liza
  8. So I uploaded this a while ago, and over the last few months it's gotten more and more attention, Do you guys/gals think it's any good? https://soundcloud.com/steven1024/battle-theme-final-fantasy-x
  9. A vastly improved and updated version of a song I posted a long time ago that was called "Horn of Battle". Better VSTs, better orchestration, better everything in my opinion. It's kind of a "final battle" or epic battle kind of orchestra thing. I'd like to get some feedback on this. It's the most ambitious project I've ever done. The problem I run into the most is not knowing what to do with woodwinds. Made using EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Gold. https://soundcloud.com/brad-charles/the-confrontation
  10. FInished this song today. It's a silly waltz. Used EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Gold, ERA Medieval Legends, EZDrummer. I'd like to hear what everyone thinks about it. https://soundcloud.com/brad-charles/goblin-waltz
  11. I found myself increasingly excited for the upcoming Xbox game Screamride, so I wrote a song inspired by it. As with my other "Unofficial Theme Songs" it's meant to embody the nature of the game that it is based on. In this case, the mood is outlandish craziness surrounding a dangerous theme partk
  12. Hey all. I was debating if I should try to put this up for the judges, let me know what u think. The song is Kirby's Canvas Curse for the Nintendo DS My remix: https://soundcloud.com/the-game-to-be-retitled/supercoolmike_brink-of-despair Also, this source is currently the PRC 284 so come on down and listen to the other tracks that other ppl have done
  13. Hey, guys. So I've been lurking for a while and this is my first post. I've thought about sharing my stuff here before, but wasn't sure if it'd really fit in. It seems like everybody's pretty open-minded around here so I thought I'd give it a go. I do instrumental vgm covers and often add my own lyrics. My covers tend to have a "folkish" vibe to them. Here is one of my better ones that I did recently: More than anything I'm looking for feedback on my mixes. Specifically balancing the audio, EQing, mastering, etc.. I feel that's what I need to improve the most. I've made significant progress since I started, but I know that there is so much room for growth. Any tips at all are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  14. I did some vocals for the instrumental Kavinsky track called Roadgame. Check it out if you like Kavinsky http://youtu.be/g58oucgn-Aw
  15. https://soundcloud.com/nokbient/chronus I spend a good long time making this, then forgot about it, then found it and finished it! Ahhh, the life cycle of a piece of music is a wondrous thing, no? I did some neat things with pads and other synths. Thoughts? Comments?
  16. Hey everyone, I just uploaded a cover I made on electronic wind instruments of this ambient track from Super Metroid. One of my friends, Rob Oetomo, adds the glockenspiel part which holds this track together. As always, I'd love to hear any comments or feedback!
  17. I took a lot of inspiration from the 80s with this one. Big, Boomy drums, Classic Electronic Keyboard CP80 sounds, and that rhythmic synth bass, with all sorts of fantastic ambient sound created by the Elektron Analog 4. I hope you enjoy it! http://youtu.be/Flr0X7M1hXQ
  18. Original: I wanted to recreate the sound of the original. The only thing I'm not too entirely fond of is the little piano interlude in the middle, but I think part of that comes from me not liking the interlude itself. I'm super pleased with the way this turned out actually. I didn't do much variation because a lot of the atmosphere comes from the sinister, brooding repetition, and I thought it would mess things up if I changed too much structurally. When I initially started this remix, I thought about using some sort of neuro-bass and a ton of modulation, but after some trial and error, I actually liked the more original sound better, so there you go. Thoughts? Likes? Dislikes? Remix:https://soundcloud.com/nokbient/red-brinstar-remix
  19. Lunatic AKA Nique La Freaque - How Many (Feat. Yung Mike) WATCH NOW>>>
  20. Hey guys, thanks for checkin this out. Really appreciate any feedback! Dark Matter Genre: Drum & Bass Link: https://soundcloud.com/epochbeats/dark-matter Inspiration from 'Undersea Palace' from Chrono Trigger Undersea Palace (OST track):
  21. I did a reggae track (my first one) for my Yes.Mustache video game inspired music project. It's silly and all in good fun, but I would gladly take input on production, quality of reggae music, whatever else comes to mind when you see the vid or listen to the tune. The song is about why certain video game elements (enemies, objects) are better left untouched. It references Goombas (from Mario universe), the bomb guys from Serious Sam, lasers in general (but the video shows Spartan Lasers), saw blades (generally a one hit kill), and headcrabs from the Half-Life universe.
  22. just made this rich dense dark track yesterday after being inspired by silent hill 3s music please enjoy https://soundcloud.com/blizzardx3/dreams-and-nightmares
  23. Another finnished track. Were extra satisied with this so I thought I should post it here. I have alot more on my YTube channel! Enjoy
  24. I posted about this a while back. Lots of issues with the first prototype. I originally wrote it because, well, I was getting ready to propose to a girl I was in love with, then she left me for a guy she met within 3 days. #fml Needless to say, a lot of my crap was pretty subjective and I wasn't in the mood for criticism. And, yeah, the song was kinda crappy as it turns out haha. So all I did was took the good parts of my FL Studio render, threw it into Audacity, chopped it up a bit then a hop-skip-jump later and tada: a better remix. Musical analysis aside... I think it sounds dope. Just enjoy it. Please. That's all I ask. Feast your ears. https://soundcloud.com/i-am-kyle-highwind/destroy-everything-a-child-of-light-remix PS - I sent a "submission application" about this remix a few months ago, and I think the links I submitted to the judges are actually broken. Meh, I don't even care if this song gets on OCRemix.com anymore, just pass it along to your friends if you like it, I guess.
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