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Found 6 results

  1. It's dangerous to go alone, take this! Come join us for Office Hours, a time and place where you can ask your burning VGM remix questions, get feedback on your WIPs, and/or learn some tips, tricks, and techniques to take to your next project! This weekly event is an open forum for remixers (both budding and established) to bring their WIPs forward for an extra set of ears and eyes. You do not need any audio engineering or mixing skills to participate. We encourage you to bring your skill to the stage, even if it's none! These weekly-formatted events take place in the Discord Events stage channel. Audience members can participate via chat or voice (raise your hand while in the audience using the button to request to join the stage). Screen-sharing is helpful for visuals but not required.
  2. until
    Are the drum parts in your arrangements "too static," "on autopilot," or "super basic?" The Sages are here to fill in the gaps! Join @paradiddlesjosh for a live workshop on drum part writing - what it entails AND how to program! This 3-4 hour event will consist of a primer on notation (sheet music and piano roll via the General MIDI map) balancing repetition with variety (through dynamics, articulation, and the application of patterns and fills) a discussion of "feel" and the creation of "grooves" a practical demonstration of the terminology in action, writing new drum parts for a well-known VGM track Everything will be demonstrated with free tools (where possible) and some of the more prominent tools in the community. VST instruments, MIDI files, and links to further learning will be made available to EVERYONE at the end of the webinar; please see the VOD description for links!
  3. until
    It's dangerous to go alone, take this! The Sages are hosting another Office Hours, a time and place where you can ask your burning VGM remix questions, get feedback on your WIPs, and/or learn some tips, tricks, and techniques to take to your next project! Hosted by @pixelseph this week! The agenda is TBD at the moment - let us @Sages know if there’s a specific topic you’d like covered!
  4. Hey thanks for taking the time to stop by I am making this cover of Forest Interlude from DKC2 as a sort of "self benchmark" to see how well I can emulate David Wise's signature tone into my own music. It is in a lot of ways pretty close to the original, however all of the sounds (minus one FLEX instrument and my percussion samples) are made from scratch with Serum and stock FL plugins. I am only a few years into this hobby, mostly being self taught. I guess I am looking for feedback on the quality of my mixing - as well as my writing since I wrote it all by ear. I think my mix is kinda quiet honestly, but I'd like to think I did good on the overall leveling of things. What do you think?
  5. Me and musician buddy Souperion recently started a pet project of creating a collection of original songs inspired by games we played on the SNES. As we've had a lot of fun doing it, I've been considering publishing the completed work, maybe on bandcamp or my youtube channel. Not with any hope of really making money (as I don't expect that to happen), but as a personal accomplishment for both of us. My interest is in a low-key thing. I'm aware that publishing commercially is a large, multifactored process and I'm only considering a small-scale option. And I have discussed this with Souperion and he's onboard if its something we can do. But before I try anything and put any of this stuff on the internet, I wanted to see if I could get any advice on posting original music like this. Anyone have any experience/suggestions/guidelines for doing stuff like this? I'm not committing to anything yet, wanted to learn something before deciding on a course of action.
  6. Hi everyone, I just wanted to ask for advice for my ReMixers like myself. I've been wanting to try my hand at remixing some of my favorite video game songs and was hoping to get some advice for how best to get started. Things that people wish that they would have known when they first started remixing. Thank you, RedSans
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