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Found 8 results

  1. So I've been away from the site for a while (see this post) and now I'm here to share a short piece I recently managed to finish to satisfaction. It is called Theme from a Dream and features the piano, cello, viola and two flutes for a brief but beautiful run through a theme that I came up with after waking up from a dream a long time ago. Many, many years ago I had this dream with a very moving, adventure game-esque quality to it. Think Zelda. When I woke up from it I was sad that the story was over. As I tried to re-play the dream and add to the story in my head I came up with this theme that has stuck with me ever since. I am thrilled to have finally put it to music after maybe two decades! A second part is still in the making. That'll be more epic, movie-soundtrack like in 6/8 time. Find the finished version here: https://metapop.com/blooming-late/tracks/theme-from-a-dream-part-i/269406 I've also used it as background music in this recent video, featuring my latest Fall/Autumn pictures. The video is dedicated to the memory of my late grandfather, who died last month after a long battle against cancer. Unfortunately I was not able to show him the pictures before his death... Enjoy the music and the pictures! --René
  2. Inspired by the many obstacles we have to face and have to overcome and in the end balance it out and learn and fly.
  3. Hello again I'm currently working on putting my first album together with some of my first and best works. This involves taking new recordings and using better piano sounds. I just now finished the recording for a short piece I did back in 2016 titled: 'Sixty Tears Per Second'. It is one of my all time favorites that came out of a improvisation session. With just some minor tweaks and transposition to a different key, this is the result: Hear it and weep! (You're welcome )
  4. Here is a new recording of one of my first piano tunes, titled "A Life Well Spent". I originally wrote it in 2015 to go with the soundtrack to a browser game I was developing. I abandoned the project, but the tracks remain a part of my repertoire. Some of them I really like and I attempt to update them as my skills grow. In terms of feedback, what do you think could be done to make the left hand more interesting (provide a timestamp for where you think improvements can be made)? I'm kind of following a pattern of 3 or 4 chords. What can I do to break out of that in a more interesting way? Thanks for listening
  5. I just posted my second try at replicating the feeling of the trance music I listened to growing up. Trance became my favorite genre around the time I started going to high school. Life for me was very difficult during those years due to bullying and general difficulties at school. Music was one of the things that helped me get through and has inspired me for years to come. I pushed myself to get this track beyond the level where I usually give up. Not only is it much longer than my usual stuff, it is also more varied. I'm very happy with the result and am afraid to tweak it further. Enjoy Yesterday is Gone (Moving On) - on Soundcloud Registered Soundcloud users can download this track for free.
  6. Hello everybody, I can't believe how fast time has gone by since my initial post last year. I haven't completed my Volley Fire remix yet, but I haven't been sitting still either. I would like to share with you - for your enjoyment and perhaps feedback - a new piano piece I wrote and recorded on my digital piano. I name it Step by Step - it is a kind of exploration of different intervals and bass-styles. I'm a sucker for these emotional pieces and I'm particularly proud of this one. What do you think? Thanks for listening! Link to Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-227517766/step-by-step
  7. This might be the beginning of my first little own soundtrack I've composed within a few days. Actually this track is based on an exercise I did for myself to imrove in writing notes for chord progressions and where I tried to find out which chords and chord sequences harmonize well with each other. But then I was really in the mood to compose some additional melodies and it resulted in this little soundtrack. And of course I wanted to work with my brand-new great synthesizer collection Titan 2 which I really cherish. It contains over 12500 unique synthesizer presets of famous synthesizers from the 70s, 80s, 90s and the modern digital times. So, you can say I've bought a pretty melodic part of the human history in the form of a large, creative software. Although I haven't had listened to all synthesizer presets in Titan 2 (the package also contains all the synthesizers from Titan 1) I've already used two synthesizers from Titan 1 for this little composition. These are the really atmospheric digital voice pads and the pretty realistic sounding steel drums (was deeply impressed that it almost sounds like the acoustic version of some steel drums - was looking for such kind of stuff for estimated ages). For the voice pads I've also created some volume, panorama and high bandpass filter automations. The Celtic harp you can hear towards the end is a VSTI from my professional DAW software Samplitude Pro X3 Suite in which I have implemented the nice Titan 2 stuff. Hope you like my first try of creating my first very own composition far away from any kind of video game remixes. I guess I'll make a much bigger and longer soundtrack out of this one in the future. Feel free to tell me how you like this one. )) --------------------------------------- Newest version of my track: 1.0 >>> >>> https://clyp.it/pct2dsny
  8. So, it's been a while since you've guys have heard from me. Haven;t had a game remix in a while either (well, BadAss 3 will have something from me but that's a way off). I've been playing Fallout 4 off & on, & heard this holotape in it titled "Hi Honey!" on it. Since I'm now married, it stirred up some emotions that I had to get down, & I used the Fallout Main theme to get em out. This is not a full on remix, more just a short variation on the main title. Wanted to make it sound like a sad love song, bittersweet even. d/l link: https://soundcloud.com/dlpmusic/fallout4theme_hihoney or if you wanted to stream it on youtube: https://youtu.be/gorH8o2BEhk Let me know what you think!
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