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Found 5 results

  1. Halo's Soundtrack is rightly revered, and I've been humbly trying to arrange one of my favorites. "Unforgotten" beautifully captures a wistful longing and determination that simultaneously uplifts and crushes the heart, in a merciful way. I can't make strings sing like Martin O'Donnell, but I hope to convey some feeling through this piece. And yes, the gunfire sfx is from Halo 3 with some doctoring. Feedback welcome as always. Thanks, and enjoy. Halo_Immortal Memory.mp3
  2. Hello again Here is another WIP for a remix I'm working on. I'm trying to create a medley comprised of tracks that feature a certain pattern of notes and have similar chords. I had the following in mind: 1. Aerith's Theme (FF7) 2. Halo theme - bonus ending (see video at end of post) 3. Mermaid theme from Donkey Kong 64 4. A track from Xenoblade titled "Thoughts to a friend" The status of this track is that most of the FF7 part is done. There is a notable drop of instruments near 1:10, which is where I last quit. The Halo part is probably 50% done. I need to work on the ending/transition to the next part, which is tricky because I have to go from 3/4 time to 4/4 time. Part of the mermaid theme is already in there at the end, but I haven't done any original work on that yet. It just sits there as a placeholder. I could use some feedback on the transition parts and the overall composition. I've used MuseScore 2 with some fancy soundfonts, but it will probably need to move to FL Studio eventually for more control over channels and humanization. I'm also taking suggestions for a more fitting title Enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/user-227517766/the-day-gamers-lost-their-girlfriend-wip Sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIqKWLkm2-g The bonus part starts at 3:20
  3. EDIT 2: Third round of edits done, happy enough with it now for my YouTube channel (as linked below) but keen to improve it to the point it can be submitted for OCRemix; would love feedback to get it there! Thanks everyone. You can hear the (small!) steps of progress between versions by comparing with the two older ones on my Soundcloud page - if you're interested! It's one of the classic themes, with such a strong celtic flavour. I originally planned on writing a three part arrangement for fingerpicked nylon guitars, but it kept turning into medieval folk in my head, with a warbling tinny flute et al! I tracked down a few playable ranges for lute, celtic harp & tin flute and wrote with all of that in mind, but haven't gone for laser-precision (e.g. just made sure I could play the various lute sections on my guitar in drop D), and I've used two notes on a logic drumkit to more or less represent hitting the centre and sides of a classic old-skool drum. I'd really appreciate your thoughts. It's only just over 2 mins and I don't know if it's working/finished yet; feels a little like further sections could seem like padding - I'm probably wrong about that though. Not sure how much this qualifies as an OCRemix track given its style, I'd love to know what can be improved. Here's the demo version (no proper humanisation or detailed mixing applied yet, just some basics): And here's the original theme, in case it's not jumping out at you: Thanks a bunch!
  4. https://soundcloud.com/planarianhugger/not-my-fault-someone-put-a-wall-in-my-way This is my remix of A Walk in the Woods and Covenant Dance from Halo 1 I made for PRC312. It got 6th out of 12 entrances. The sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t97u9qmgwN0 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fPFtDdqnJI The first part is the beginning of Covenant Dance with the bass line of A Walk in the Woods followed by the main melody A Walk in the Woods. Then the entirety of Covenant Dance. After this the background continues with the melody from A Walk in the Woods and repeats the back and forth of A Walk in the Woods and Covenant Dance changing as it continues till the end. I enjoyed making this and any advice or critique is encouraged.
  5. Hey everyone! My name is Josh Barron and I am not sure if some of you have heard of me but I used to have Kingdom Hearts piano collection project a few years ago. I have come back into the industry with a labor of love that has been going on for quite some time. I have assembled a group of string musicians to perform arrangements from various game titles. I will be making an album and this album will be called The ETHEReal String Project. Here is the tracklist: 1. Fang’s Theme for String Orchestra (from FINAL FANTASY XIII) Two Nordic Folk Songs for Piano and String Quintet (from ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM) 2. Song I: Secunda 3. Song II: Ancient Stones 4. Trisection for String Orchestra (from FINAL FANTASY TACTICS) 5. Eruyt Village for Piano and String Quintet (from FINAL FANTASY XII) 6. I Was Lost Without You for Piano and String Quintet (from MASS EFFECT 3) 7. And Thus Fate Becomes Cruel for String Orchestra (from HEROES OF MANA) 8. Eternity ~ Memories of Light and Waves for Piano and String Orchestra (from FINAL FANTASY X-2) 9. Honor, Sacrifice, Glory: Variations on Themes from Halo 2 for String Orchestra (from HALO 2) 10. Still Alive for String Orchestra (from MIRROR’S EDGE) 11. Tactical Espionage Suite for String Orchestra (from METAL GEAR SOLID 2: SONS OF LIBERTY) 12. Forest of Awakening (Original Composition) 13. Sulyya Springs for Viola and Piano (FINAL FANTASY XIII) The release date will be July 28th. I am posting this to generate awareness of this project in the hopes that many of you will enjoy this music I have worked so hard to create. Feel free to check out the samples and complete tracks that I have provided on my SoundCloud page which can be found here: https://soundcloud.com/josh-barron/sets/etherealstringproject Enjoy and please offer feedback as I always look to improve . Keep in mind the recordings aren't final versions so the sound may or may not be different in the final release.
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