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Found 2 results

  1. November 13th, 2015 Update: THE WAVS ARE IN!! All six tracks have been mastered by timaeus and they've been given to Liontamer. Thank to all the remixers and their pals that worked on the remixes with them. And thanks again to Odai for his work on the cover art. The only thing we need now is the website. I was thinking we don't really need a video, as that's really more for building up hype. We don't have that much time for that, so forget it. Besides, OCR itself is all the advertising we need for this album. The release date is still aimed for December 5th, so on Dec 6th, it is out for Iwata's birthday. Celebrate his life, not his death. October 11th Update: Thanks to Odai for the awesome title, which is now "Heart of A Gamer: A Tribute to Satoru Iwata" and for the album cover. ANYWAY! As you can see below, we have four remixes complete and submitted in WAV Format. Yay us! September 8th update: Talking it over with Liontamer, I have decided to push the album to mid October. Why? Because I like the idea of releasing for early December. That gives us over a month to get everything together, which means more time for you remixers to polish your remixes, and time for us to kidnap an artist or two. More time means more effort and that gets us better music. Take your time, make those remixes awesome, and don't worry. We got more time now, and we can easily meet this. Also, I'm adding Dragon Warrior 1 to the list. If anyone wants it, feel free to claim it. As usual, posted remixers can be accepted without any try-outs, non-posted remixers will have to submit some samples to prove themselves. Project: Saturo Iwata from NIntendo has passed away, and because of his involvment with NIntendo and a multitude of games and series over the years, we're going to do a tribute album. This album has to be out somewhat quickly, though. If it's released too soon, the overall quality will suffer. Too long, and the tribute will lose some of its emotional punch. To that end, we're looking at a smaller album of about ten remixes or less. As much as I'd like to do a four-disc compliation album, we don't have the time or resources to pull that off. As he was listed in hundreds of games (http://nintendo.wiki...ki/Satoru_Iwata and http://www.mobygames...eloperId,52462/), there is a lot to choose from. However, I think we should look at the games he was directly involved with. As some of you may know, he started out as a programmer, not management. He didn't just make games, he made games. To show that, we should remix from games that he himself worked on. He has dozens upon dozens of credits as a producer, but there are some games that he had more involvement in. He was in the trenches, sitting with the staff and designing or consulting. Fixing this, solving that. That's the guy that we should be remembering. What We Need: A website. Right now, we could use the expertise of someone that can get a website together before December 1st. I know it's a tight deadline, but we don't need anything super fancy or complex. Staff: Director: Me, of course Assisstant Director: Themysteriousassassin Artist: Odai. And apparently, Title Creator Extraordinaire. Tracklist: 1. The Fading Children (Earthbound) by Kwix 2. Cuban Vacation (Kirby's Adventure) by Chernabogue, featuring Tuberz McGee and kroasta 3. Menu Theme (Super Smash Bros Melee) by Sbeast 4. Sky-High Rollers (Rollerball) by timaeus222 5. On The Wind (Balloon Fight) by Brandon Strader 6. New Horizons (Pokémon Gold and Silver) by PokerusVGM This list covers his earlier years, from pre-Nintendo to HAL Labs to just as he was becoming a big name at Nintendo.
  2. MISSION 2 SPLAT U (YOUTUBE) MISSION 2 SPLAT U (SOUNDCLOUD) A little something to kill 2 birds with one stone on my end; a Tribute for Iwata, and to make a little something Splatoon themed (as I was sorta inspired by the musical stylings). No samples used I'm happy to say, : ) and I do hope you all find it enjoyable. Source track is in the description of both tracks.
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