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Found 4 results

  1. It's like a weird Looney Tunes fusion...
  2. Did a very short soundtrack to an arcade game I'm currently working on with my programmer. I used an NES soundfont. Granted these are only demos even by 8 bit standards. Anyone with skill in 8 bit chiptunes please give me tips on making these sound a bit more less muddy. or any other tips on making these sound better, Let me know what you think!
  3. What's the lower limit for something to post as a work in progress haha? This is literally just 30 seconds but I like it a lot and like anything else I've ever posted here, I have no idea what to actually do from here. It's cool though, I promise! Some of this was mostly from just wanting to try my awful choir and orchestra and blend it with the rest of a metal ensemble. My friend had me try to break down an anime opening and they practically had a guitar on one side and the orchestra on the other side which I kind of like. It might be kind of drastic for something like this but I'll take another shot at it later when it's not super late/early and I don't know what hearing is. https://clyp.it/njb1da1p
  4. (if i am breaking any forum rules, remove this post please) Hello, i am new on this forum, i'm 16 years old and i am looking for someone who thinks it's funny to remix and would like to remix a little short track for me to something bigger. I don't mix and i have no idea how to. I have been scavenging for a forum with a "remix request" section, i don't exactly expect anyone to do this for me (you won't get a reward), but it's worth a shot to ask: 2 years ago, i had this app to my ipad called autorap, in my school, i ran up with a mic and the ipad to a friend and asked to just rap the shit out of this goddamn beat, he owned it (considering he improvised), we were all hyped. So bla bla bla we all moved on with our lifes started on some new schools bla bla bla. Now, a few people from my old school are considering to arrange a reunion party, which is epic of course. The first thing one of them asked was "Yo lets hear F2's (his "callsign") rap all night long then and just party to it", so i replied "yo ill make a remix of it so we can actually party to it, its a bit short for partying and its not really the kind of song to party to". Of course i was just joking around, but then i thought "hmm, maybe there is people out there on the internet who just enjoys remixing random stuff". So, that lead me here, on this forum. ANYWAYS enough about my life story. I am requesting someone, to make a 2-4 minute remix of this little track: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c6tpwaoc2k2zcs8/Autorap track.wav?dl=0. As you can hear, the mic is bad, the recording is bad, there is some weird "click" sounds in the background and all that. All i am asking, is for someone to make a decent remix, it does not have to sound really good, just something with bass and a proper beat. I wouldn't be publishing this anywhere (no lawsuits for copyright issues and so on..), so, it would be totally fine if you mixed it with other party songs (whatever suits you guys best). This is probably a silly request, i don't expect anything, but as i said, it's worth a shot right? Best regards; Tor Jakobsen
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