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Well, My second submission is all about Megaman 2. The music from the MetalMan Stage always intrigued me to a degree, and so I dedicated this Remix to it.

First, the official information:

Contact Information:

Remixer name: DJ-Arthur

Real Name: Arthur van Dijk

Email Address: arthur@studio88.nl

Website: none yet

UserID: 20864

Submission Information:


Name of Remix: Enter The MetalMan

Program used: Orion Platinum Version 7.1

File Specifications:

Type: MP3

Size: 3,77MB

Length: 3:17 minutes

Sound format: 44.1 kHz, Stereo

Bit rate: Constant, 160kb/s

Name of game remixed: Megaman2

Name of Song remixed: BGM from the stage of MetalMan

Information about the game: Already present on the site

Link to the Original song: Already present on the site

Own Comments: Ahem, well, here goes… I was just playing around in Orion actually, building some musical themes for my comic, when I accidentally wrote some bars that kind of resembled the MetalMan stage from MegaMan2, one of my first games to own for the NES. That inspired me to take on that stage’s music as a remix. This is the result. It relies a bit on the Bass line to carry the song through, though I think it varies enough. I’m particularly happy with the part where the Square head Synth comes in around 1:33. Anyways, I hope this will get to be an addition to you already huge database of great remixes of great Artists of which I’m not yet worthy of being mentioned in the same breath... Well, I hope you like it!

Greetzzz, Arthur van Dijk


http://www.zophar.net/nsf/megaman2.zip - Track 6 ("Metalman Stage")

Not terrible, though the sounds and processing were on the generic side, especially the supporting parts. The textures were a bit empty despite filling out the soundfield adequately.

Short and sweet: with more creative synth design, more complexity, creativity & evolution in the supporting writing, and maybe an additional element or two to help fill things out and this would more likely be good to go. The arrangement definitely has promise, but you've haven't realized its potential. Keep working on this, Arthur!

NO (resubmit)

  • 4 weeks later...

I thought this had a pretty chill, old-school electro sound (which is becoming popular again). The Metal Man parts kind of float in and out, which was cool. This song did feel a little like it was just there though; the song never truly took off. Some of the synths and sounds were too static, some of the leads stayed in the background when more prominence would have kept up the energy. When you go the simplistic route, you need to have your parts really working together well, and I think you've got some room for improvement there.

Keep working on it, I like what you've got so far!

NO (resubmit)


I think this ended up sounding like the music equivalent of a page filled with doodles; good ideas, but underdeveloped. I agree that you need to get a little more creative with your writing and try to really expand on the source. I like the old school electro sound, but make sure you don't end up sounding like you're just trying a whole bunch of different presets. Choose some sounds and work with them; don't fall into the trap of trying to constantly change up the lead to a brand new instrument everytime the melody is iterated.

Anyway it's not a bad sounding piece but it still needs work. NO

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