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Hamachi Gaming elp

Corporal Eschebone

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Right so me and some dudes (Demitri and CH) are trying to play Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising over Hamachi. I'll be short:

-Both CH and I are behind routers (not sure about Demitri).

-I am not behind a software firewall.

-For me, neither Demitri's nor CH's hosted games show up in the LAN games list (i.e. it's empty when it shouldn't be!)

-Demitri can join both my and CH's hosted games, but CH and I can't join each other's.

-Demitri and I can't ping CH, but CH can ping us and we can ping each other.

-No, there isn't an option to join a specific IP in the LAN games list (there is only a Search option, which doesn't work for me).

-I followed these instructions as best I could.

halp plox

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Hmm...well, I'd make sure all your ports are forwarded properly. The fact you ping some people and they can't ping you and vice versa shouldn't be a factor with connectivity in Hamachi. CE, check your search filters if there are options for that. That may be why nothing is working for you in the search option. Does it say anything when CH tries to join CE's games and vice versa?

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There are no search filters, in the LAN screen there is only a box for the screenname, a list of servers (empty before you search), a button for "Search," a button for "Join Game," and a button for "Host Game." There are no networking options for this game.

Edit: Here is a section from the .cfg file:

mpipaddressstring = ""
mpgateserverlocalportmin = "49152"
mpgateserverlocalportmax = "65536"
mpgateserverlocalportdelta = "1"
mpgateserverlocalportrandom = "0"
mpnovaworldportmin = "32768"
mpnovaworldportmax = "65535"
mpnovaworldportdelta = "1"
mpnovaworldportrandom = "0"
mpnovaworldlanenumsessionportmin = "32768"
mpnovaworldlanenumsessionportmax = "65535"
mpnovaworldlanenumsessionportdelta = "1"
mplanserverportmin = "32768"
mplanserverportmax = "32787"
mplanserverportdelta = "1"
mplanclientportmin = "32768"
mplanclientportmax = "65535"
mplanclientportdelta = "1"
mplanclientportrandom = "0"
mplanservertojoinportmin = "32768"
mplanservertojoinportmax = "32787"
mplanservertojoinportdelta = "1"
mpmaxplayers = "51"
mpuselineupqueue = "1"
mplineupqueuesize = "100"
mphostgamepassword = ""
mphostsidepassworda = ""
mphostsidepasswordb = ""
mpnumspectatorsmax = "0"
mphostspectatorpassword = ""
mpaccesscodelist = ""
mphostpuntplayerswithsamepcids = "1"
mptodcontinuity = "0"
mpmaxpacketsize = "1300"
mpextractextendedmetricinformation = "1"
mpnovaworldhostlanonly = "0"
mpreset = "0"
mp_eula_accepted = -1
mpattrib = 14342
join_password = ""
side_password = ""
game_name = "fgsfds"
internet_address = ""
networkconnecttype = 2
mp_difficulty = 0
mp_gametype = 0
dedicated = 0
max_team_lives = 100
max_kills = 150
max_score = 5
side_req = -1
startdelay = 0
destroybuild = 0
autobalanceonmissionrecycleenabled = 0
autobalanceonmissionrecyclenumplayerdiffmin = 1
autobalanceonmissionrecyclenumplayerdiffmax = 1
oneshotonekill = 0
fatbullets = 0
nwisptype = 12
lanmode = 1
allowcustomskins = 0
servermsg = "gdfgdfgdgf"
minping = 0
dominpingcheck = 0
maxping = 1500
domaxpingcheck = 0
dirtyupstream = 1
dirtyupstreampost = 1
deathmes = 1
numallowablefriendlykills = 193
replay = 1
time_limit = 90
koth_limit = 10
koth_delta = 5
timeout = 5
mp_numteams = 2
contest = 0
flagreturntime = 210
ping = 1
sendplayerlist = 1
rememberlogin = 1
teamchange_time = 15
mp_lfp_takeoverspeed = 1
spawnregulator_psp = 0
spawnregulator_lfp = 10
unlimited_vehicles = 1
choosespawnonbegin = 0
nodefaultspawnpoints = 0
mp_allowsniperscopezoom = 0
mp_permanent_death = 0
mp_3rdperson_driver = 1
mpvoting = 0
mpvoting_min_players = 6
mpvoting_percent = 0.660000
mpvoting_period = 180
mpchangeteam = 0
mpchangeteam_interval = 300
mpchangeteam_penalty = 60
mp_verbose = 1
mp_NoCharAbilities = 0
mp_NoCrossHairSpread = 0
mp_NoScopeDrift = 0
mp_NoWeaponRecoil = 0
mp_gpsicons = 0
mp_wind = 0
mp_DroppedWeaponDisappear = 0
mp_NoDropWeapons = 0
mp_NoRespawnWithPrimary = 0
enable_ai = 1
remote_admin_port = 0
cl_punkbuster = 0
sv_punkbuster = 0
xhair_appearance = 0
xhair_color = 16777215
xhair_spread = 1
balance_join = 1
balance_join_percent = 0.500000
armory_reuse_time = 30
farp_reuse_time = 90

Edit2: I kinda just posted that without even looking at it. I think I know how to fix this now.

Edit3: To be 100% sure, when forwarding ports, does the service name I give to the range of ports I forward matter? For example, instead of calling it "Joint Ops," I could just call it "Jointops" or "cakeops"? 'Cause I don't know what name to give it otherwise.

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argh it still doesn't work. I definitely forwarded ports 32768-32787 on my router correctly (or at least I really hope so or else I'm a gigantic douchebag), put hamachi at the top of the network adapter bindings, and made hamachi's default gateway and had Demitri do the same. I still can't see his games. CH and others might be able to see my games or I might be able to see theirs, but I really doubt it.

Anyone know wtf is going on? Or at least how to check if ports are really definitely being forwarded?

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argh it still doesn't work. I definitely forwarded ports 32768-32787 on my router correctly (or at least I really hope so or else I'm a gigantic douchebag), put hamachi at the top of the network adapter bindings, and made hamachi's default gateway and had Demitri do the same. I still can't see his games. CH and others might be able to see my games or I might be able to see theirs, but I really doubt it.

Anyone know wtf is going on? Or at least how to check if ports are really definitely being forwarded?


That's for the first port. It doesn't test a range so you'll have to try all 19 of them. :/

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