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Uses for an old laptop


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Alright, I admit defeat. I've poured a coupla hundred bucks, some super glue, and lots of tape into my Sony Vaio to keep it alive for 5 or so years as my main school/work/mobile PC. However, new problems are starting to show up and to really bring this baby back to life I'll need ~$300. I'd rather just get a new one.

If I shell out for a new harddrive and keyboard ~$120 it'll be ok, so I'm wondering what suggestions people have for an Intel 2GHz, 512MB RAM, aging laptop. I'd like to dedicate it to music, but in what capacity? This video was a pretty slick example of what one could do, but all I have software-wise is SONAR and FL Studio I'm not sure if I could get something similar going. Any other ideas?

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If I shell out for a new harddrive and keyboard ~$120 it'll be ok, so I'm wondering what suggestions people have for an Intel 2GHz, 512kb RAM, aging laptop.

Not much, considering few modern x86 OSs will boot to 80s era RAM specs :)

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I'll get you for this mockery DJP, and your little dog too!

I will say that Folding@Home isn't such a terrible idea, but I wouldn't want to burden the molecular dynamics folks with my ridiculously mismatched processor/ram machine (how I got it to work in the first place is beyond me).

I don't know what you're complaining about, personally - that's EIGHT times the memory of a C64 you've got sitting there... the world is your oyster!

Oh, you fixed it...

Well, that machine is still solid enough to play MP3s, making it a candidate for an audio-only media center... plus it should play MAME and stuff, so as an oversized portable gaming machine, not too shabby...

You CAN do things like VST system link, FX teleport, etc. to add extra machines to a VST setup and distribute load, but... complicating one's environment tends to kill workflow.

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If you have to ask that question you're probably not going to find a compelling answer.

I give away my old computers to family or sell them online. The ones I've kept end up doing nothing in my closet. Of course, I don't own a television or hi-fi so media use wouldn't make sense, and like djp I think using 2 computers for music production merely complicates one's workflow when not necessary.

No advice, sorry.


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If you have to ask that question you're probably not going to find a compelling answer.
I’m afraid you may be right.

I’ve thought about making it the floating household media PC for use in the living room or wherever, but generally if I ever find enough free time to listen to music in the living room, I’m much more likely to want to use that time for creating music in my bedroom.

Sharing the workload with my main DAW has always sounded like an awesome idea, but you guys make it sound like more headache than it’s worth. That’s a shame really. Someone should work on making that process much more seamless; with the low price of PCs these days, a product that easily facilitated the connection should turn a nice profit. Headache or no, I still may give it a shot, if not in a formal way then possibly by making the lappy a piece of dedicated offline audio editing/mastering/authoring hardware connected over a LAN.

And analoq my friend, is a life without The Simpsons really worth living?

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I remember having classmates in elementary school that weren't allowed to watch the Simpsons; I suppose their parents had a problem with Bart saying 'hell'. Of course, my mother never let me watch the A-Team, because it was "too violent".

I don't think I could get the Simpsons out of my life if I tried. I stopped watching it several years ago and yet all kinds of random daily things remind me of it -- not complaining though!

way off-topic but hey, it's your thread :)

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