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Ok, something really different from me. Bear with me, I've never attempted something like this before. Some growling bass and crazy synths. Then it fades into some more subdued atmospheric pads and stuff. You know, stuff I'm comfortable with. Fractured Mechanics:

Stream here: http://www.myspace.com/jerryschnelzer

Download: http://blabstation.net/jerry/Fractured%20Mechanics.mp3

I recommend streaming it since it isn't done, download is higher quality though.

Things to do:

-Write an intro and build.

-Change the snare, I think its a tab bit loud, grainy, and noisy.

-Maybe add in some weird breakdown.

-Maybe some more drum layers.

Thanks for listening! Feedback is appreciated.


Perfect title for this track. :lol:

This isn't bad at all. Synths, pads, and strings all sound pretty cool! Nothing is misarranged from my point of view. The snare as you stated is a little bit noisy but I wouldn't worry about it too much. I can imagine it fits better here, than any other track.

The bell ringing chorus at the :12 mark is what I like most about this track....helps it out a lot. Its got a catchy tune.

It would be cool if you did have a breakdown section, it would make this track even better than it already is. Besides that......this track is the bomb!


Nice track.

The snare is not too bad, I think that it could just be turned down a tiny bit. The other synths and stuff are cool. The track has a nice feel to it. I like the synth that comes in at 0:32.

The atmostpheric half is cool too. I agree that a breakdown section at some point would give the song more variety. I could see one happening durring the second half of the song.


Don't really feel like making a new thread right now because I think I've been doing that a lot =/ Yeah, so in my tradition of working on a song and getting A.D.D. then moving on to work on something new, I have another WIP... I swear I will get around to finishing this and "huh" (though I don't think that one will be much longer, honestly).

Anyway, I bought a book, and I learned a lot more about Reason, synthesis, and basically what everything does. I also nosed around sgx's technical advice forums and learned a bunch of bitchin stuff. I feel enlightened, really. Basically, I wanted to start something from scratch applying a lot of what I learned. It feels good to know how synths work since I usually haphazardly select presets then turn knobs and add distortion till I get something I like. Funny thing I noticed the other day is the synth in "MunchYumFun" was a bass guitar preset.

So here's my second attempt at DnB really. I made all of the synths in this with Thor, sans a the pad that I made with the Subtractor. So far this is without a doubt the most complex stuff I've written, effects everywhere and tons of automation. And plenty of beefy bass.

DnB: link removed, check new thread

I'll make a new thread when I finish this one, I'll keep you posted on Fractured Mechanics in here as well.


Fractured Mechanics is pretty promising. I like the sound design of the lead and the 'shape' of it. Chord progression is nice. Drums could use some work - more intricate sequencing, new hat sounds, maybe a different snare.. but really, just keep at it. This reminds me of the kind of stuff on my first CD. :)


Thanks a lot for the kind words zircon! I definitely agree with you. I already changed the snare and now the hats are starting to irritate me. I think the drum sequencing is a lot better in the second half.

Also it's funny that you say that considering how much inspiration I take from your work. I think that when I first started this about a half a year back I was reading your tutorials on your site and decided I wanted to give it a try.


This new dnb track is hawt. I like the growly bass, its very well done. Cool synth work throughout the song. I like the transition into the wide-feeling piano section at the end.

I've been meaning to do some research on sound synthesis and music production in general myself, and this piece has inspired me to get started on that. To the library!


The new DnB track reminds me of a game or a movie where a character is trying to sneak past some guards....lol..

I like it. The fade in synth transition sounds GOOD! Bass growls adds flavor to this type of instrumentation. Impressive.

Overall the production got's me. Everything sounds crystral-clear. Excellent!

Of course you're going to make it longer. Right?

If you don't than I guess it would be alright, no big deal.:smile:


Thanks guys! Yeah, it'll definitely be a good deal longer. Twice as long I'm predicting, right now it's on the 2 minute mark. I'm trying to think of some creative stuff to do in the piano section. Right now it just kind of builds back into the beat. This is definitely shaping up to be my best work so far in terms of drum sequencing, mastering, and all that good stuff.

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