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OCR01736 - *YES* Valkyrie Profile 'Until You See the Light in Valhalla'

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Remix Info

ReMixer name: Scaredsim

ReMix name : Until you see the light in Valhalla

Name of source music: 126 "Black Blinding Nightmare" (intro), 129 "Oblivion's Joy", 226 "The First Unison".

Links to originals: http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/ValkyrieProfile_psf.rar

Game Info

Title: Valkyrie Profile

Developer: Tri-Ace

System: Playstation

American Release date: August, 2000

Composer: Motoi Sakuraba


I never listened anything of this game until M-H won DoD ENIX Month with his great track, Union Alpha.

So I started listening to some tracks of this game, and I've been convinced.

I worked on a first version, then a second, but both weren't really satisfying to me.

First, I didn't introduce "The first unison" since M-H arranged it very well. But finally I couldn't resist.

I reworked it again, inspired by CarbohydroM's style, as you can see.

Hope you like it.


Thanks for the breakdown and link for the source tunes!

http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/ValkyrieProfile_psf.rar - 126 "Black Blinding Nightmare", 129 "Oblivion's Joy" & 226 "The First Unison"

Pretty beefy energy from the lead guitars, though the timing felt too tight, making it feel more sequenced than performed live, which I thought was a substantial negative and prevented me from really getting into this one.

I could see the CarboHydroM influence from the drum writing, though Christophe's stuff is obviously a lot faster-paced. Along with some of Simon's past pieces, I thought the drums were a bit too loud; wouldn't have been an issue if the drum writing were more interesting thanks to some additional fills to give the track more movement. That picked up a lot more near the end, but the more basic patterns felt plodding.

I'd be interested to see Simon show growth in experimenting with other drum sounds as well as refining his piano sequencing. The arrangement here was pretty solid overall, but a smoother performance on the lead guitar and more creative drum writing to give less time to the plainer patterns would have made this a more cohesive package. Otherwise, strong enough to get by.

YES (borderline)


Nice arrangement. You've woven the songs together well, and there's lots of little details, like the piano in the background around 3:00. Double-time sections ramp up the energy nicely.

I thought this was pretty solid on production too. I know last time Larry thought the drums were too loud, and this time I agree with him. The snare could stand to be a little softer and more blended in. It also gets a little crowded at times, and maybe more EQ could help. But these aren't major problems and I'm comfortable passing this. I think you're really improving quickly, Simon!


  • 2 months later...
Pretty beefy energy from the lead guitars, though the timing felt too tight, making it feel more sequenced than performed live, which I thought was a substantial negative and prevented me from really getting into this one.

"Your timing is too good! Waaah!" :tomatoface:

Don't listen to Larry. Being able to play with a good sense of rhythm is great.

This is a pretty rockin' piece. I don't have any problems with it at all. It's got dynamics, a solid performance, and a great sound overall.



Pretty cool piece. I didn't think the drums were too loud but I'm generally in favor of loud drums. I did however think they would benefit from some humanization and more variation in the sequencing. The piano sequencing is also very stiff, especially the fast playing at 2:04-2.14. Human error is your friend.

I do agree with larry that the guitar playing sounds a little mechanical. Try to get some feeling in the riffs, make use of vibrato and variation in your playing. This is pretty minor though.

The production is pretty sweet even though it could be EQ'd better, especially some more high frequencies. The arrangement is above the bar too.


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