djpretzel Posted February 20, 2003 Posted February 20, 2003 First off, this is SgtRama. My AOL account has been teh hax0r'd. I haven't gotten it back yet, it's messy, blah blah. Anywho, this is my dark wierd spooky ambient remix of Create 1 from Ultima Online from the little #ocremix comp thingy ma bob. Solidus was my UO char, thus the name, in the rare occurance it actually gets accepted and posted the name is of course subject to change to avoid confusion. anywho, so is located at...
orkybash Posted February 20, 2003 Posted February 20, 2003 First reaction: Oh please, not this song again! Go remix the Prelude or something! ^____^ j/k Second reaction: actually, this is pretty cool. Most original coverage of this song that I've heard so far. Ok... well, that warbly bass thing is pretty off-key, and sometimes the recording just sounds messy. I think better attention to detail panning-wise would help you out there. Ok... hmmm.... I'm gonna have to say NO here. It's a good start, but I was really expecting this to break out into something bigger. Instead, it turns out to be one of those songs that you think has an overly long intro until it just ends without going anywhere.
Disco Dan Posted February 21, 2003 Posted February 21, 2003 strange... did always tell you that entering your info was optional? It did this time. That's weird. Anyway, this song bores me. NO No, I kid. Well, not about the verdict, but about the reasoning. It's got no momentum. Granted it's supposed to be ambient, but it sounds more like it's an interlude in the middle of a techno piece, like the beat should kick in at some point and deliver us from this beatless island. It's got too much form for ambient, but not enough for dance music. Just doesn't sit right with me. That and there are some bad notes starting at 1:02. D
DarkCecil13 Posted February 21, 2003 Posted February 21, 2003 Okay, I've been listening to the entire song waiting for it to build up. I really think this could use something to move it along. The current arrangement just doesn't work by itself. Add a backing drumbeat. That's among the many things you could do. The mastering is not very well done as there are areas of distortion. NO
Protricity Posted February 23, 2003 Posted February 23, 2003 I wanted to judge a song from work. Speakers are just too ugly. Sorry, maybe later It sounds like Sgtrama is getting better, but it still sounds like FL is doing all the work here. Also the song is damned repetitive. I'll probably go with a NO after I hear it with my headphonies. Holy damn, no wait, this song IS repetitive... AND short. ok, this is a NO I'll give it a listen later with my phones, but I doubt my review will change. Funny how some songs sound better on shitty speakers..
m68030 Posted February 26, 2003 Posted February 26, 2003 Questionable instrumentation. I'm not digging the combination of the SIDesque pad and the acidstabs under the warm pads. The drum type hits are also outofplace feeling. NO
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