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Intro was waaayy too long. When the song came in it actually made me jump!

The timing of the instruments is erm....different. It's like the beat is 4/4, but the instruments are on something else. And without any sort of warning, the song is finished with some kinda reverbed crashing noise thingy.

The 'suddeness' of the mix is quite refreshing, but I couldn't keep up with the timing and I think OCR listeners would be like 'huh? what?' so



I gave this song a couple listens and I thought the intro had an interesting buildup, but then the boss theme came in. ouch. What Malcos said: way too sudden. Very few liberties taken with the source material, it sounds little different from the SNES and the complete lack of highend on this mix helps that; this sounds lo-fi. Too much bass, the mix is muddy, and the instruments are dull.

not too bad for a first ReMix but this is definately not OCR material.



Remember Bad Tuna?

The rhythm on this is pretty bad. The constant changing of tempos between sections. While the idea of putting the bass drum on every other beat in a 5/4 time signature is an interesting idea, it doesn't really play out well here. Anyway, go find "Bad Tuna" and you'll hear what I'm talking about.



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