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*NO* Final Fantasy 6 'Psychotic Tendency' *RESUB*

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Wellsir, remember my submission a lil' while back, 'Kefka vs. Sanity'? General response was 'Not bad, could be better'. So I used some better samples, and better skills (Well... it was a while between the times I made the two, I like to think I've improved) to 'resubmit' Psychotic Tendency, Kefka's Theme of FFIV.




Starting off the mix right off the bat with the obligatory Kefka vocals seems banal, but that's a minor qualm. An upbeat tempo is maintained throughout: this is the musical equivalent of doing a 50 yard dash, going straight from the beginning to the end with nary a pause or variation in between. Perhaps this was intended to create a sense of rush, but in this way the melody gets old fast. A soft, spooky background synth jumps in with noticeable feedback, and gets irritating halfway in. The wooden-sounding clapper and the drum line are repetitive until the piano slows down, at which point the drums sound dry and hollow.

I'd have liked to see another instrument take lead at one of the midsections. Mix it up more, add some different leads. And I believe I heard a jitter at 1:07.



I thought the so-called 'off notes' were rather alloweable. They may be wrong notes against the original, but I sure don't think they were off key.

The minimalistic nature of the song annoys me. Beat starts, beat stops, beat starts, beat stops. Nothing is really done with the song.

Some of the instruments are out of tune - the stereo groove-synth for one.


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