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Well, I like this track. But I'm not sure if I'm done with it or not. Sure, it's a nice little tune...but I kinda want more from it. I'm just not sure what to add to help the track progress.

This was made for a game a friend of mine is making. It's meant to be a town theme.



A newer version with a slight variation.


Is it just me, or does it end with a really long fade-out? Anyhow, this does sound like it would fit a town setting for a game quite well. What is this "MMLS"?

P.S.: If you like, you can give me some feedback on my track, "Peaches and Plums" that I posted in another thread. I've had the idea of submitting it for use in a video game score.


MMLS = Mega Man Legends Station

It's a site and forum about the MML series 'n what not. Basically, the game being made is about the forums. I've read some of the story so far and it seems decent enough. But yeah, the track does end with a long fade-out. I mean, it's meant for looping 'n what not.

Where is this track o' yours, I'd definitely like to listen to it.


I like it, though I agree that it sort of sounds like their should be something more from it, though that may just be because I'm listening to it out of context. The trouble with town themes is that they aren't something that should stand out tremendously. Presumably they're something the player will listen to repeatedly throughout the game, so they should be catchy enough to be interesting, but in the background enough that the player won't tire of them. I think this does accomplish that purpose quite well, though perhaps you could try adding a little more variation on the theme. It seems to repeat fairly soon into it, so taking the theme to another instrument or synth and altering it at least a bit might be a great way to not only add some length but some variety. A little variety even in a background track can help keep the player from getting sick of it.


Well, I took what you said into consideration. I didn't change much, but I did add a variated section, though it still sticks to the main melody.

Of course, this was just a quick jot-and-dab sort of thing. I'll probably do a little more with it before too long.

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