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Hi there!

Here I am with a remixed song I made a while back! It's an arrangement of the introdemo song of Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

for the MSX2 system. I think it turned out quite nicely :) Anyways, some background information. I'm Jorrith Schaap from the Netherlands, and fiddling around with music has been a

long time hobby of mine. I did quite some composing on that MSX2, and still do for a game I'm working on with some other

people, but that's a different story :)

Anyways, this song was made with ZTracker and a nice bit of MIDI equipment, and later modified a bit with Cakewalk. Since I

didn't send in any songs before, I guess you need some standard info:

ReMixer name: Jorito

E-mail: jorrith@home.nl

Website: http://bombaman.generation-msx.nl

And last but not least, the URL to the song! You can find it here:

My original plan was to include an mp3 of the original song too, but because of the lame FTP server of my provider I gave up

trying to get it online after an hour and numerous timeouts. So you'll have to make do with this :)

If you need any more info, don't hesitate to contact me!


Jorrith Schaap


Wow, this ReMix is really quite cool sounding. For some reason, it reminds me of Rumble in the Bronx (Jackie Chan). It's one of those weird things.

Well.. To the ReMix - Sure, it's short, but it's one of those ReMixes you can listen to over and over again. Some really cool synths - particularly at the end there.



This is a build-up and a drop-off with nothing in-between, like a teaser for something kickass. The crunchy synth leads and the suspenseful drumline seem intentionally repetitive, connoting a trailer-type feel. All in all, this submission sounds like the entire intro for the final version, something I'd otherwise mistake for a WIP. Don't hold back on us; go all out.




That was a GREAT intro. Everything worked real well. It presented good song elements that I dont see all too frequently


It ends at 2 minutes when it should START. It hsould continue into a full range song and not just develop.

Please resubmit as a longer more developed song.


  • 2 weeks later...

nice work here, except there are quite audible mp3 compression artifacts, must be using some awful encoder. Please use LAME in the future, 128 shouldn't sound this bad.

anyways, like other have said, this needs to be finished before it's posted on OCR. Resubmit please, this is very cool.


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