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Sorry for the delay, everyone. I've been busy the past couple of days trying to actually dig up all the stuff I have for sale (my parents "organized" my stuff and I had to find it all).

Since many people want to know the prices of the adventure games, I will post them here. As I tell all my buyers, I try and put a resaonble price range based on what I see at Amazon and Ebay that doesn't rip either of us off.

LucasArts Archives Vol 1:

Day of the Tentacle - $25-35

Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis - $35-45

Sam & Max Hit the Road - $15-25

I listed them at individual prices, but these three came in the LucasArts Archives box set and as such have one big manual. I no longer have the other three discs from the archive, but you're not missing anything (two were demos, the other was the screen entertainment desktop utility).

Grim Fandango - $30-40

Monkey Island 3: Curse of Monkey Island - $15-25

Monkey Island 4: Escape from Monkey Island - $10-20

Myst (for Windows 3.1) - $1-5

Uru: Complete Chronicles - $5-15

Myst III & IV: $15-25

In addition, I have updated my list of items that I'm selling with stuff I'd forgotten about.


Here's the stuff I'm interested in. Not necessarily gonna buy all of it, of course, but just thought I'd scope out the prices. If you feel any of my offers are too low, that's fine, just move on.

  The Pezman said:

Incredible Machine 2, The

King's Quest Collection

Space Quest Collection

LucasArts Archives Vol. 1


Typing of the Dead, The

Warcraft III Battle Chest + expansion (including signed manual, posters & art book)

I'm willing to pay $10 for the individual PC games, $20-30 for the collections (KQ/SQ, LucasArts, WCIII).

Final Fantasy X Piano Score Book

$15-20 for this.


Star Wars Thrawn Trilogy

Dark Empire I, II & Empire's End

I dunno...$15 a piece?


Well, like I said before, I'm interested in "Myst games, Klonoa, Dungeon Keeper 2, and La Pucelle Tactics"

I'm willing to pay between $10 and $15 per, except for the Myst games which I'd be willing to pay $30 all told for all of them save the original because I've already got that one. PM if that sounds alright to you.

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