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Dude im loving this track, it started very mediocre , but turned out great , you really devided the original score over the entire lenght. the samples where chosen nicely but felt very generic, mostly because they were the same genre, maybe mix in some orchestral, or harderleads, maybe some natural instruments.

the beat was very dry, which didnt bother me at first but turned out very borning over the length of the track,, also some more variation and breaks.

maybe a non-beat middle part, just to give the listner some rest and then build-up and pump right into it again, it will prevent the boringness that I still feel with this track.

anyways in my book, this track should be OC-approved, just for the fact that I could download and not stream it all the time.... :P


The instruments sound generic because.. they are. Everything's basically FL Studio's default stuff. Haven't really learned how to use external stuff yet. :3

I don't know what "dry" means, but I think the drum beat is pretty tight. It is pretty boring after being pasted throughout, though.


dry: unedited, usually without reverb sounds.

But I don't think instruments are gonna be a problem if you are to submit this. Like 2Radical says, give the listener a moment rest with a bit of beatless music in it. You could go all the way and reduce it to melody only if you'd like.

It's doable with the sounds, just get working on that arrangement. It's a bit too much of the same throughout the song. Also I'd recommend that you toy around a bit with the original rythm of the melody. The judges like that.


Yeah, definately has potential.

I do agree with the previous comments. The drums, need a break, it would greatly heighten the songs "oomph". Right now, the arrangement is like a constant escalating formula, which does get old too fast.

I´d be surprised if this wouldn't make it in, if you give it a little more work.

Always liked this tune, btw. Good choice.

Keep it up!


as previous comments, this have potential.. however... In my opinion, this is very thin production and a bit messy. I know you are a "new" producer, but i cant say this track is blowing me off the earth :< (< love that smiley btw). You have the catching melodi there and i get this old school trance feeling by it (in a posttive way because i still love old school trance). If this have OC potentional, its up to the judges decision :)

I'm using FL aswell, and you should try out free VST's or demo VST's, and mix your tracks. put each sample into diffrerent channels on your FL mixer, and add stuff like reverb, delay and maybe stereo Enhancer, just to begin with. You can also load MIxer presets into a channel from Image Line folders. I think you can find tips and info about FL here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=28

keep up the good work!

//White Penguin / Sinfour / Issues

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