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Your ReMixer Name: XenoCross

Your Real Name: Alexander Choeng

Your email address: choengalex@yahoo.com

Name of game(s) arranged: Xenosaga

Name of individual song(s) arranged: Pain

(Files are attached)

I can't believe it's already been 6 years since my last submission! I have always wanted to do remixes on the 2 vocal songs from xenosaga and here is my first attempt at a non-piano arrangement. I hope you guys like it.


Kindness is something I don't want or need

The sunshine would just dissolve me into light

Give me a pain as pleasing as your sigh

So I can feel you all the day and night

And keep me from fading away

First we touch, and we hurt each other

Then we tear our hearts apart

We are too close and I can feel the pain

Fill my empty heart

Is this pain too much for me

Can I stay the same

When this pain consumes my heart

Will I be able to hold on to my soul

When this pain consumes my heart

Then we tear our hearts apart

Kindness is something I don't want or need

The sunshine would just dissolve me into light

Give me a pain as pleasing as your sigh

So I can feel you all the day and night

And keep me from fading away

Even when we behold each other

Somehow our eyes do not meet

And when you hold me in your strong embrace

Still I feel no heat

But it gives me such delight

To feel you closer now

I know I am true to myself

Though it cuts deep into my heart somehow

When this pain consumes my heart

Will I be able to hold on to my soul

When this pain consumes my heart

Then we tear our hearts apart


Man, that source tune is absolute cheese.

Xenosaga Original Soundtrack - (218) "Pain"

Can't say I'm feeling the direct sampling of the original vocals. In that sense, it borrows way too extensively from the original game audio. IMO, that right there is a NO.

Unfortunately, the synth design was lackluster and generic sounding. The music was too loud and poorly mixed/balanced with the vocals, and didn't have any flow or synergy with the vocals. Also, the instrumental here was seemingly arranging "Pain" (according to DarkeSword, it "kind of follows the chords with all those arpeggiators"), but it didn't have any of the melodiousness of the instrumentation in the original, and ultimately ended up sounding pretty scattershot/directionless.

It's good to see you still checking out the community, Alex. I wouldn't be discouraged by this, since it was a misunderstanding on what fits with the guidelines in terms of the amount of sampling you could use. But maybe you can make a new, more cohesive instrumental while also getting a talented female singer to provide the vocals and give a new spin on Joanne Hogg's style. Or you can focus on arranging and entirely new piece.

But either way, I'd love to see you submit something again. I liked some of the tricks you pulled off in Sorcerian "Cursed Piano" and hope we hear something new from you.


The synths in this song are terribly generic, thin and buzzy. There's no depth to the soundscape, no balance between elements. There's also this really weird polyrhythm triplet-vs.-16th-16th-8th going on that doesn't really work. The percussion is very repetitive and generic.

Not a fan of the sampled the original game audio the way it's used here; nothing about the instrumental is really locking with the vocals. It's just a lot of syncopated lines with her randomly coming in and out.

Not feeling this one at all.



I really wasn't feeling this one either. The backing track was not bad on its own, but it seems completely unconnected to the original, and the backing track and vocal just didn't sound good paired together. There are also parts where the vocal timing goes well off from the music timing. The mix of triplets and 16th notes was distracting - that kind of stuff can be hard to pull off well. It also started to get repetitive towards the end, and the ending was abrupt.

To be honest, I've heard plenty of remixes like this which sort of invent a new backing track for a vocal, ignoring the original completely (to amelodious results, intentionally), but I don't think OCR is the right place for it, given how we discourage direct sampling that extensively. In this case, it's nearly the only thing tieing it to the original.

I probably came down on this a little hard, but I hope to see new stuff from you, Alex.


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