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I like the genre. I'm currently at the end of a feedbvack run, so I'm too tired to check source, but you know how close/far it is yourself.

The noise is annoying. Did you record stuff? See if you can get rid of the noise, most prominent in the left channel. Panning, overall, could need some work.

It's repetitive, but it has some cool ideas that I think you could use. Work on transitions and redoing repeated lead lines. Subtle little things, like velocities, slight timing changes, , to more noticeable stuff like rhythm, chords, solos...

The bass is a little too thick. More notes, more pauses, or... something. See if it sounds better. I like the parts where the bass is quiet better, actually. Feels more restful. Don't be afraid to move the bass an octave - _sometimes_.

The beepy thing with the delay is too loud and plain annoying. See if you can rework it into something less annoying. The tremolo effect you're using on the soft keyboards could be more subtle... or the track more centered. The piano seems like it's just slightly lagging.

The sax sounds great to me. The theremin works well in the track.

Overall, it's repetitive, but that's really the biggest problem with it. This could be a really cool track, but it needs some work to get there.


I'll work on lowering the bass. I EQ'd it down on my initial recording so that it wouldn't sound distorted, but it seems that it is still too heavy. Yes I did some what do a live recording of it. Usually I can export a song into a wav file that Reason creates with all of the proper levels. But this time since I was using Fruity Loops, I had to playback the song in Reason, while playing along in Fruity Loops on Spook Keys (the theremin) and recording the track. I know I can use ReWire to host Reason in Fruity Loops but for some reason, my theremin melody line always lags when I test the track by playing it back. So it seemed like my only option was to just live record. But i'll work on that.

I did find the lag you noticed. For some reason, when I play the refrain of the main piano chord, for a second time, I struck a single key and then a chord. I don't know why I didn't catch that. I think i'll remove the scratched vocals from the start of the song. I just didn't want the intro to get to boring while waiting for the bass, then the drums. But ultimately I think more harm was done than good, when it came to that scratch. I'll see if I can work on choosing a different synth sound to accompany the softkeys section. Thank you for the input.


Things done:

-EQ'd the bass down. The drums sound more clear as a result

-Lowered the EQ on "Gated Pads" instrument that was referred to as "beepy sound"

-Edited the Piano Chords (no more lag)

-Edited the theremin line (a bit smoother)

I didn't get rid of the "beepy sound." I literally spent a good hour and a half going through every Mono Synth, Lead Synth, Polysynth, Pad, Piano, Keyboard and Texture trying to find a replacement. I found none that fit the jazz motif, or that did not come off as genuinely irksome (high pitch, whine decay etc). I appreciate the advice though, as I did put most of it to use.


Probably my favorite genre of remix so I was very happy to see this, I liked your Ibuki stage mix as well but this one sounds very polished, nice job and looking forward to seeing what else you might do with it.


I just wanted to thank you for being the first person on this site to enjoy the song for what it is rather than admonishing for what it is not. I almost gave up on it and took it down until I read your comments. I plan to work on the EQ situation with this track, but the ultimate direction is set as a smoother more downtempo version of the original versions of the song. I'm glad you liked the Ibuki mix by the way. I plan to do some EQ work for that as well. I have a team lined up for an unofficial (not associated with OC Remix either) fan album for Street Fighter. It is the 20th annivesary after all. So I want to celebrate Street Fighter as well ^_^


Must be the compression - the soft bit is actually painful to listen to. If this is supposed to be smooth, you'll have to soften the drums significantly. See how it sounds without compression. If you're using compressed audio loops, use other loops.

The track sounds like separate bits and pieces stacked in succession. This seems to be a recurring problem for you, which means it'll improve a lot of tracks once you learn how to deal with it. The change in hihat texture is a dead giveaway for a change in repeated segments.

The intro could use something other than just the pinao to keep the rhythm. The 6-chord rthythm in a 4/4 song makes it screw with the rhythm a little. Great for jazz, but not everyone can hear the intended rhythm until the hihats come in. Consider using some faint hihats or shakers for the intro to even it out. Still, that's a minor issue compared to the above ones.

Aside from pulling out the compression issue, this does sound like an improvement. Less looping of melodies, more transitions, and fix the drum compression, and you'll have improved this way more. Doing great, man, doing great.


Bass is too loud. I suggest you get a 2.1 set of speakers to do your EQing on, anything with a subwoofer will drive the bass into the ground.

There isn't a lot of unique content in this piece, but what is there has a nice build, the instruments just don't carry it. Try swapping out samples, or adding an effect to remove the flat feel it has.

Add some more content! What I see, I like, but there isn't much there. You've covered the source nicely, but it's time to add some creative bits and 'overclock' it. Push it past tribute into the remix territory.

Also, the overall feel seems bland, probably due to the limited number of instruments used. There are multiple ways to attack this, but it's up to you. Experiment with it, play around. If you fuck it up, we'll let ya know :)


Unfortunately I can't EQ it because I live recorded the playback from Reason, while playing along with the melody, via Fruity Loops. As for the instrument choice, I was trying to keep with the jazz feel, but i''ll see about shifting to a more dynamic piano. As for more content, i'll see what I can add in addition to the thirty second sax solo. Thanks for listening and thanks for the advice.


That was an excellent remix! I'm gonna put it on my mp3 player. lol I don't find the lead synth to be whiny, in fact I think it fits perfectly with the overall tone of the remix. I have to disagree with earlier comments that's it's too repetitive. To me the chord progression and the lead synth are what make the original. Take them out or use them any differently and you no longer have a remix.

I'm kinda new to the field of game remixes. I've actually wanted to do something with this song for ages now, but I can't find the sheet music or a midi file. Did you sample the original or play it by ear?


I taught myself by ear, as I was unable to find any sheet music for this song. I'm glad that you like the mix. Stay tuned though, as I do want to clean up the EQ any way possible. I could attempt to give you chords, but i'm unsure if i'd be giving you the correct ones. But I can give you the notes that make up each chord

1st chord


2nd chord


3rd chord

B, A, C#, E

4th chord

G, D, F, A, C

Please note that this is a two handed song, so you will be playing keys in the bass and treble cleff. The last chord is all bass cleff and ledger notes where as the other three chords usually involve keys from the bass and treble cleff. I hope you can sort that out. Or perhaps somebody with a bit more savy, can identify the chords that those notes make up.


I was listening to your Chun-Li mix (which I enjoyed, btw) when this came up, and boy-oh-boy did the piano in the beginning rub me the wrong way. Too loud compared to everything else, it becomes almost piercing when you listen to the song using headphones.

Sorry to say, but I had to turn it off after about 30 seconds.


I'm still working on it. I've had some serious EQ issues with that track because of how it was recorded. But i'll see what I can work out for it. Until further notice, i'm taking it back down so that I can still work on it.

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