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nyello djp,

Uhis is teknobunny offa tha forums. i'd like to submit this song here ... i was pretty much going for a narcissistic, prissy - maybe even girly - high pitched sound when i made this. hopefully, it comes across well and doesnt make youre ears bleed =-). the name i'd like it to be credited to is DJTeknoBunny.

thanx for even listening



yay, super punch-out. i certantly do remember this, i think it was the only character theme that didn't have a heavy guitar sound in it, unlike all the other character themes.

anyways, this is identical to the original but with an 808 kit and an annoying lead and it even retains the repetitiveness of the original. this won't stay on the panel for very long... sorry tb.



Geoshittys is uncommonly and unprecedentedly not letting me download an mp3.

Ah, after 50 retrys, I got it!!!!!!!!!!


off key notes.

Poor precussion.


Highpitched irritation.

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST: no originality.


yes.... I will give it a NO!


Well I hate to be the one to lock this thread with a big fat NO vote, but... oh hell, who am I kidding. I DO like doing that.

No, but seriously, I haven't listened to this yet because it's not done downloading.

Ok, it's done now. Wow....

Well, my ears aren't bleeding. Not yet anyway. The delay on a lot of these notes is leading to some very uncomfortable dissonances. The combination of instruements at 1:08 is actually pleasing, but it really does sound like a first try experiment that wasn't really in earnest a submission. If it IS a genuine submission, all I can say is good luck in the future. Though I'm a little uncertain of why this didn't just get the letter, this works too.



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