djpretzel Posted May 12, 2003 Posted May 12, 2003 Email sub, file attachment Super_Mario_RPG_Melting_Mallow_OC_Remix.mp3 - djp Sorry i couldn't give you a URL or somethin instead of attaching this remix, but i hope it won't be too much trouble. Anyway, i am a new remixer, as the subject indicates, and my nickname is "Jammin Salmon." My email address is (REMOVE BECAUSE WE ARE SPITEFUL JUDGES). That being said, my actual name is , but that won't be what i'm known as on the site. About the remix: it could be considered a bit long, but i thought that helped it out a bit. Now, you may be thinkin to yourself, why in tarnation is this thing called "Melting Mallow." The song is a remix of the Barrel Volcano song from Mario RPG, which is indeed a slightly overlooked game in the overclocked world, if i may say so. Anyway, Mallow's chemical properties, i presumed, would prevail in such disastrously hot temperatures, consequently melting him into some indefinable shape. (side note: (i don't know the depth of your knowledge on this game, so, to be safe....) Mallow is one of the main characters in the game, being marshmallowy like in appearance, hence the name. Of course, he's not exactly a marshmallow, but that's besides the point...) Volcanos are prone to eruption once every doesn't matter; so, i added a little, let us say "eruption" in the song... so you'll know when you get to it. So there it is, and that's a long enough email anyway. -Jammin Salmon
Protricity Posted May 14, 2003 Posted May 14, 2003 File doesnt work off of can you check this out, dave?
Malcos Posted July 1, 2003 Posted July 1, 2003 Very different percussion - added a lot of interest to the mix. I began to get bored about 4 minutes in though. At around about this time, all the sounds are dropped and built up again in a way similar to the intro. After this buildup it would have been great to have another instrument come in and do a mad improvisation solo thing, as I found the whole thing rather stale by then. 6.24 - wtf? Oh, that was the explosion thingy? Ok then. This mix drags on too long, it would have worked if it was a 4 minute mix at a higher bitrate. NO
analoq Posted July 6, 2003 Posted July 6, 2003 the percussion sounds lofi with weird stuff going on in the higher frequencies, but that's probably due to the 112kbps encoding. the hard panning is ehhhhh. this lacks development.. doesn't build any tension, doesn't set an interesting atmosphere, the parts just come and go and i'm not really caring. ending: weird. no
Israfel Posted July 10, 2003 Posted July 10, 2003 Repetitiveness factor really hurts this one. There's very little material actually here, the entire piece simply repeats the same two chords for 7 minutes. Some of the ways that those two chords are presented are kinda interesting- but each idea is repeated numerous times and tedium really starts to set in. Some decent ideas, but not enough material to justify the length. NO
Disco Dan Posted July 11, 2003 Posted July 11, 2003 quality's a bit... low... Panning is extreme and OW Is it just my soundcard or does it start clipping at around 1:18??? Ok, this sounds like an OST arrangement. Not much variation, just repetition of the same material over and over. 3:30 and I've now heard the same song 3 times. Yeah, once it starts to build up again, it's the same song I heard 5 minutes ago. NO D EEEEEEEEEE!!!! I GET TO LOCK THIS ONE!!! JOY!!!!
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