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*NO* Chrono Trigger '65 Million Beats'


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I actually tried submitting this a few months ago, but apparently the link I sent was broken. Anyway, it's a ReMix of the song Jurassic Rythm from everyone's favorite game, Chrono Trigger. The following link should work now.

Artist's name: Sir Aureus

Website: http://aureus.ath.cx

e-mail: aureus@mit.edu.

Thank you for your time. I hope you like it ^_^

-Don Goldin

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Hahahaha, definitely not. I mean, it's pretty much the EXACT SAME as the original, and the original didn't even have much to it! The instruments are... annoying. This is practically SCREAMING "Heeeeeeey! I'm a MIDI rip!" I mean, the drums are even the exact friggin' same as they were in the original except for the addition of some strange kick drum rhythm later on. :?

*yawn* NO

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