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*NO* Phantasy Star 'The Battle of Hair Metal'


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hey DJP, this is mitch of Rosencrantz & guildensterN. ive got something of

a submission for ya, but its a bit different than usual... usually i come

bearing a submission of R & G, but this time, ive got something that i did

on my own.. with a little bit of a story behind it.

i was wanting to get into the iron mix contests, and i tried my luck at one

called iron mix "popcorn", and they were remixing a phantasy star track

"final dungeon"... but i accidentally started mixing "final battle", cause

im a dufus... and by the time i figured out that i was remixing the wrong

song, it was too late to rectify the situation...i figured that i could just

submit the song as a regular submission... so thats what im doing... its a

little short cause the limit on the comp was 2 min... but i still think its


anyway heres the lowdown...

artist: Lefty (you can link my profile to the profile of the same name on

the message boards)

Title: the battle of hair metal

remix of: "final battle" (phantasy star 1)

you can find it at the usual url

scroll down, its toward the bottom...hope you enjoy...

thats manly talk!


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i remember that IMC popcorn, that's where my "wanta phanta" came from. in addition for being a dufus and remixing the wrong song, you got the limitations wrong too. there was a 2 megabyte limit for the filesize, not a 2 minute limit for the length. my submission was over 2 minutes.

anyways, vigilante summed up the problems with this: guitars sound muddy, too short. i would also like to complain about the balance of the mix though, all the parts are loud and sorta steping over each other, i think you pushed the volume up too hot... it's not distorting yet but i can hear the the limiter working.

i found that 24 hours was not enough time to come up with something ocr-quality, i had to work on my mix a bit afterwards before i felt confident submitting it.


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