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I know you're probably sick and tired of these, but analoq sent me to you, so I'll help you kick his ass if you want...

I sent in muh first mix way back in December or something like that...maybe the link was dead, I dunno, but im pretty sure that it never got on the panel, so here's the link

Maniac #9


blah blah blah

thanks a TON

analoq, despite maniac's suggestion I'm not going to kick your ass. I WILL, instead, ask you to sit in the corner and think about what you've done.


EDIT: er...well...when i listened to this song the first few times i was on antibiotics for both strep throat and bronchitis...and listening to it again...this is just....not...good.

my sinuses and ears must have been quite clogged for me to not notice (or not be bothered by the fact) that this is EXACTLY the original with a drumloop and a mediocre guitar.



i'm trying to upload it for you but i keep getting an error, if you know more about this stuff than i do, (which is very likely) check out my post in the discussion forum and see if you can lend a hand.

Oh, yeah, and its good to see that Dan isnt dead. congradulations on that. :wink:


Hmm, thats the original with drums over it for the first minute. I dont even think the instruments were changed. No, they weren't.

1:30 mark and its still the original with drums over it.

Hmm, guitar. Sounds real.

Ok, this song is note for note with the original.


Sorry to bother you again...

...but it just came to my attention that my ISP are idiots. They shutdown my space b/c "L337" is a hacker term...so I had to move my submission, which means I have to bug you yet again, oh great righter or wrongs...or broken stuff...


New linkage, gentlemen.


well despite the fact that i do think that guitar and drum loop are some

neat little nuggets of please use this somewhere else more effectivly,

the blatent use of either the flat out original or something so close to it

just is rubbing me the wrong way. also.. that guitar seems a little

in need of tuning.

I dunno, this seems like a neat little idea, but it just feels flat as-is now.

That's a rather brutal guitar sound, and I'd love to hear it put somewhere

with a bit more energy behind it. This theme has always been pretty

brooding, and this feels like it wants to break into something faster, but

cant because of the restraint of the song.

Torn, but sitting on a NO. Saddens me though, cause I feel

alot of potential here. I hope that Quake remix I saw over on the WIP

boards gets fleshed out more and we see it here soon. (:

edit: Just wanted to expand on a few things I said--

I wouldn't call the guitar mediocre, like Vig said, I rather thought it was

a pretty cool sound... but without more a more stylistic approach to the

melody, it just becomes flat sounding. But if there was any question about

a reason NOT to post this, the use of the original SPC in the begining drove

the nail in it. If that were re-created in an original style and then

developed over the course of the song, then we'de have some nice

asskicking going on.

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