Liontamer Posted September 1, 2008 Posted September 1, 2008 just attempting..I do it for the fun of it..I don’t have great producing skills like many on OCR..but if even a few people enjoy it then that makes me happy Enojy guys thanks Jose Acosta Aka Emulator -------------------------------------------------------------- - Track 2 The core beats that started things off could have used more variation and creativity in the patterns. There were some decent rhythmic changes to the original, and I liked the baseline when it was audible; some good original sections and original part-writing surrounding the arranged source tunes. There was some dynamic contrast, but, because the textures were never full, quieter sections like 1:18-2:07 didn't sound much different than the ones with more stuff going on. Good base, but this needs more meat on the bones. Everything needs more body to it, and the fuller sections need to sound beefier than the quieter ones. What's in place right now has a very static-sounding energy to it that undermines the dropoffs and buildups you've written. Not that I'm trying to insult you, Jose, but if improving is a goal of yours and you have the spare time, then you shouldn't be content just pleasing a few people. You seem to think you can't achieve better production skills, but if you keep learning more and pushing yourself, you can better realize the potential of your ideas. Use the ReMixing forums here and see what else you can learn. NO (resubmit)
Palpable Posted September 8, 2008 Posted September 8, 2008 I liked the new parts you added, but the song felt static. A lot of the instruments hold similar for long stretches of time, even though they go in and out. I agree with Larry's comment that it never felt totally full either. Having a low-mid range instrument in the chorus, like the one that opens the song, might have filled out the gap. Generally, I just want to see more variation besides instruments falling in and out, maybe something along the lines of the 2:27 section, different drums and a totally new texture. 2:06 is a place where some totally different drums could have made for a very interesting, creative contrast. More melodic interpretation would have helped this too; it mostly just sticks to the original chords and melodies with rhythmic changes. Based on this sub, I think your production is actually pretty solid, Jose; it's more that your songs need more variation and interpretation. Don't give up. I feel like you definitely have the potential to make something great. NO (resubmit)
DarkeSword Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 The percussion is great but when the synths came in and stayed like that for the whole song, I was disappointed. It's like, a very generic detuned sawtooth sound everywhere; it never really feel like the sound got BIG in this mix like it should have. Everything was building up to something that never arrived. I'd like to see some more interpretation and variation. Build more, give us a HUGE anthemic section that really gets people feeling it. Focus in on a hook and exploit it. NO
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