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Monster Hunter 3 tri~


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Actually I want the game on the 360 due to my Achievement whoreness, but knowing Japan that will never ever happen. But the reason I bring up the production value bit, is because typically when a developer puts something on the Wii, they don't care about the final product (case in point, everything on the Wii that isn't made by Nintendo). But when they have alot of money put into something they will usually go that extra mile to ensure the game is quaility.

Let me put it this way: this isn't the shoddy off-studio version of a better game the 360 and PS3 are getting, it isn't a relatively quick third-party cash-in game. It's Monster Hunter. Capcom knows they have a potential multi-decade cash cow right here, and that delivering a quality title means everything. They won't skimp on this one.

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