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Last year... I tried to make a remix of the S.O.R. Super Mix.

This year I'm making an arrangement of The Last Soul from Streets of Rage 1.

I also added parts from Earth & Sea from a game called Shenmue.

It's no longer an WIP, It's complete, but I left the other versions for you to download to check out. :)

The link is below, I have renamed the track "Synthesis." I have also submitted this to OCRemix now.



Give me feedback and let me know what you think. :)

Thanks much, I'd appreciate it.

( VERSION 1 : http://www51.sitesled.com/RedRum-TheLastChance.mp3 )

( VERSION 2 : http://www51.sitesled.com/RedRum-TheLastChanceV2.mp3 )

( VERSION 3 : http://www51.sitesled.com/RedRum-TheLastChanceV3.mp3 )

( VERSION 4 : http://www51.sitesled.com/RedRum-Synthesis.mp3 )


No source link, no source comment.

The hihat hurts. It's like it's got some really shrill frequency boosted. See if you can make a really sharp cut around that and give it a more even sound. Kick sounds distorted. Might be a style thing you're going for, but I suggest you lose some of the distortion anyway, as it muddies up the low-mid range a little.

The ringing lead was nice, reminds me of tracker music. there's some parts that are quite empty, you might want to give those some additional tracks, even softly, to make sure it doesn't sound too empty.

Drum patterns are pretty boring. They've got something of a spotlight role in this mix, so they shouldn't be as plain as they are here. You do need to make some mixing changes to balance things out, which might get the drums a bit less prominent, but even so, some more variation, even small things, would improve it and make the track feel less repetitive.

Yeah, the mixing. The drums are the loudest here. Everything else becomes like a carpet somewhere in the background. You need to balance things out more. The kick doesn't need the frequency width it's got atm, and the backing strings could use some more room. You gotta EQ stuff to make sure that everything important gets heard and that they're balance between the parts.

I think this could be good, tho. :) Good luck with it.


Hehe love your little pic of that haw-T chick :D *AHEM* anyways-

I think this is pretty good, but I believe that there is some *purposeful* dissonance. The J's tend to hate dissonance even if it's not unpleasant sounding to the average joe.

Other then that gripe, it's a pretty solid mix. The beat's phat, same with the bass and the strange arpreggio/anoloq sound. Then the super-fast beat that kicks in is pretty sexy too. Hmmm, I think the clap sample is kinda poopy, it needs to be less muffled/gritty sounding in its reverb. EQ is pretty darn close to professional IMO too. Not much muddiness at all, though I think the HH are a BIT gritty sounding. Could just be the sample.

I also love how the atmosphere changes without losing focus. It's brilliant man - I envy that skill. Because I can change atmosphere, but not overly cogently...at least not yet.

WHY THE CRAPPY Sytrus Asian String ENDING THO??? It burns us!!! SSSzzzzt aaach!! Lol. Improve that ending /slap. Other than that, it's purty solid :D


The beat has some balance issues. The snare sounded like it was missing some of its highs, but after a while of listening, it didn't seem that way at all anymore. Probably some problem with the snare, but I can't pinpoint what it is. The snare rolls seem a little too... idunno, ill fitted in terms of EQ. That might clear up if you work on the other tracks' EQ tho.

There's a second snare about half way through the track, and it's missing some highs. Not in the fast section, I'm fine with the snare there, but the one that follows. Doesn't sound processed enough. The fast section, tho, has some shrill lil frequency, probably resonance from something, possibly from the hats.

There's some lil pops in the beginning, your synths probably have too sharp attack/release. Might want to add a millisecond to attack or release, see if that gets rid of them. Might be on the filter, in which case you'd have to work on the filter envelope, just doing the same thing there.

I suggest you work a bit on the master mix, there's a weird balance ...thing with this, but it's hard to really figure out what. Might be that you've cleared up the master EQ a bit too hard, theere aren't enough mids to make it sound balanced. Try boosting the mids subtly, possibly drop the volume on the snare and hats, see if gets more balanced sounding.

Sorry I can't give you anything more accurate than these guesses, you track is kind'a hard to analyse. it's pretty interesting, tho, Just noticed there was some kind of finger-snapping sound towards the end. The little brass thing at the end is a good idea, but I suggest you find some other sample to use there. Maybe one you've used already in the track?

Okay, that's it for now. Blah blah blah, good track, blah blah, good luck.


Thanks to you both for writing reviews. :) I'm still constantly trying to improve this track, like I said... the more reviews, the merrier.

Now I have a V3 of this WIP. I want you to check out, I added some new things into it and fixed a couple of things, hopefully for the better. I believe it is for the better in my opinion.


Thank you, and enjoy. :) I think I'm reaching the half way point of this remix being completed. :)


Okay, I'm hearing where the pops come from, it's at the end of your kick sample. Shorten the notes, drop release/sustain/decay, or something else that'll get rid of the sound, it will definitely bother people once they notice it.

Snare is nice and strong, but might benefit from being a few dB softer. You might want to drop the hats' volume as well by a little.

The post-tracker section snare sounds better now, but the snare after that sounds different from the one you had during the first half of the track. while I'm not sure which I like better, I'm not sure I like having both of them in the track. Makes it feel a little unbalanced.

You've successfully cleaned up the overall frequency balance. With the overall sound much cleaner, I'm wondering if you should drop the volume of some of the background synths. You could try that, see if you like that sound better. They're there for backing, so by pushing them a little further back you could make the track a little cleaner to listen to, which makes it more enjoyable and listenable.

Ending seems to drag on for a little too long. Bringing in the pads from the intro might work to close it off and not make the ending feel as long. Or you could just not drag it out like that. It's a minor crit, not anything I'm particularly bothered by.

See if you can compare this to similar music, well produced. I know I won't be able to keep spotting issues for you to fix (and coaching isn't the main purpose of the WIP board anyway :P ), so having some similar music to compare it to should reveal if there are any issues. Listen to the overall frequency balance, tracks' mix, volume level, shrill frequencies, stuff like that. See if your track blends in in a playlist of similar tracks.

There you go, more pointers and advice. Good work so far.


Holy shit! :|

I just noticed that on the kick sample, the pops are very noticeable when you closely listen.

Yeah, I'm going to lower the backing down to see how it'll come out and I think I think work on the Master EQ just a little bit more. Kind of put an extra touch on it.

Thank you very much. Those pops are annoying once you notice them. :)


( I edited this post because this is before I did the extra additions... )

Well, I tried and I think it's much better now. I would have to say it's completed, I think I'm done with it.

I also am renaming it to "Synthesis." Give it more of an original title. :)


Enjoy. :)

P.S: If others can give me feedback I would appreciate it, I am thankful for Rozovian and HoboKa writing reviews also. Thank you. :)

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