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WCT - [COMPETITION OVERHAUL - NEED IDEAS] The Writing Competition Thread

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If there isn't one more submission, the submission stage will be extended by two weeks, no?

Ok, for real, I have a whip, and I'm not afraid to use it (though I really don't know where any of you are so.. great threat.)

If there isn't one more submission, the submission stage will be extended by two weeks, no?

One week, actually.

Don't expect anything from me, though. I've been too busy hunting for jobs and searching for apartments the past two weeks to do anything that isn't college-related. A week or two from now I should have lots of free time, but a week or two from now isn't now.

One week, actually.

Don't expect anything from me, though. I've been too busy hunting for jobs and searching for apartments the past two weeks to do anything that isn't college-related. A week or two from now I should have lots of free time, but a week or two from now isn't now.

Your reply of 1 week puts my memory and laziness (to just check) to shame, lol.

Well, good luck to you on that, sir.


A bit late, but all things considered it doesn't matter as much...

Since we only have 3 entries at the moment, we're extending the submission stage to a week from today. So by 11:59PM on April 9th there needs to be one more entry or else we may need to scrub this round.

Anyone think the minimum entry number should be 3 instead of 4? I was thinking about this earlier, and I think it might be better if it was. If it is changed, I'll have it apply to this round as well.


If it was written in the timespan of the current round, there's nothing wrong with having a friend submit something. Naturally, we can't really know if it actually was written during the current round or not unless you say something (or it shows up on a Google search), so we generally go on good faith with regard to that rule.

Also, I'm going to see if I can whip something up this weekend. It'll be a stretch to be sure, especially with all the work I still need to do, but I'm going to try!


Sorry guys, nothing from me. Too much technical writing to be done for my design project. I'm also going to change the lower limit for submissions to 3 instead of 4 for the time being. We'll see how it goes; I'll change it back if it doesn't work out.

We've got three submissions for this round! Please read them and vote! You have two weeks to do so!

The Puppetmaster by wouldntyouliketoknow

Leearjecht by M W

Worn-Out Stilettos by Yousef Reda (SoulinEther)

I'll be sending out PMs to current and former authors as reminders of the voting process in the near future.

Hrm... With only three stories, voting will be pretty decisive. ... At least for me, anyway. That's one of mine up there.

I know. I hope people who have competed in prior contests vote this round.

I know. I hope people who have competed in prior contests vote this round.

Well, with any luck they will, since I'm about to start sending out PMs to authors in this and the previous thread. I think I got everyone that's been active on the forum relatively recently... Not including myself or Imagery (for obvious reasons), it comes to 18 people. I think that's pretty significant for a competition that doesn't see much advertising and is done on a non-writing site. I updated the news section with this PM policy, which has been restated below:

"As of this round, I am beginning the practice of PMing authors from previous competitions upon the start of each voting stage. I may do the same for the submission stages in the future; we'll see how the voting stage reminders work out first. If anyone receives a PM from me regarding this and does NOT want me to do so in the future, they can PM me asking to have themselves removed from the list and it will be done."

By the way, does anyone know how to get in contact with the banhammered ZeaLity?

Also, I changed the minimum entry requirement (again). I think this is the best compromise, and follows what we've done this time: "Competitions, to be viable, must have at least three (3) entries. Additionally, if a minimum of four (4) entries are not submitted before the end of the official submission stage, the submission deadline will automatically be extended one (1) week."

"As of this round, I am beginning the practice of PMing authors from previous competitions upon the start of each voting stage. I may do the same for the submission stages in the future; we'll see how the voting stage reminders work out first. If anyone receives a PM from me regarding this and does NOT want me to do so in the future, they can PM me asking to have themselves removed from the list and it will be done."

I thought you've been doing this all along? Lol. This makes sense.

By the way, does anyone know how to get in contact with the banhammered ZeaLity?

I think you'd be opening up a can of worms with that.

Also, I changed the minimum entry requirement (again). I think this is the best compromise, and follows what we've done this time: "Competitions, to be viable, must have at least three (3) entries. Additionally, if a minimum of four (4) entries are not submitted before the end of the official submission stage, the submission deadline will automatically be extended one (1) week."

This idea is very nice.


Alright, as of a minute ago, the official voting period has ended. However, I'm unable to count the votes because I'm in the middle of a time-critical assignment. So it looks like there's a few more hours left for you guys. I'll ignore the late timestamps on any PM's from now until I post the results.

Oh, and I only have four votes so far. For shame, you guys. For shame.

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