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I have had FL Studio for a while now but I have never been able to make the kind of sounds I have always tried to make. I like to make all kind of things but at this moment mainly game style music. My problem is that I don't have the sounds I need to make for the songs I have in my head, I don't have any additional VSts or anything other than the things provided in FL, what do you guys use to get sounds that sound like real insturments (piano, flutes, harps, strings, bells, etc...) I posted a few URL from here on OCRemix of the kinda sounds I am looking for:





I think you're looking in the wrong places, most good "real" sounds are actually real, recorded sounds (called samples) they're often organized and played using a sampler. Soundfonts are collections of these sounds and are a good alternative to buying a library. Soundfonts are everywhere, but here's a good place to get started:http://soundfonts.homemusician.net/

You'll need a soundfont player too, I recommend soundfonter. (http://www.sanusart.com/SoundFonter_VSTi.zip)

Also see Darkesword's soundfont page, maybe someone else has the url.


Awsome thanks guys ill start downloading, umm right now I think all I could get is free stuff, so yes free.

JMR that would be awesome if you could upload those for me :)

EDIT: Oh also Nutritious I downloaded the squidfont and your sf's and noticed that the squidfont sf had a copyright about not for commercial use, does that mean that any compositions made using that soundfont can't be profited from?



EDIT: Oh also Nutritious I downloaded the squidfont and your sf's and noticed that the squidfont sf had a copyright about not for commercial use, does that mean that any compositions made using that soundfont can't be profited from?

Good question, I don't remember seeing anything about that related to squidfont. There was a recent discussion on it, though, here. Where exactly did you find the copyright info anyway?


well, there were two files, I skimmed over them and just noticed copywrite info here is a copy and paste of both files:

Sf2Midi.com is not responsible of Copyright, before usage of this file

verify at Copyright owner that you can use those data.


E-mu 10K1



Not for commercial use

Mellow kit from Audioheadz/Coffee from Nescafe/Humor from England ;o).... ENJOY !

Awave Studio v7.3:SFEDT v1.28:


MD5: 3e3e6f708f67cbeeb537d690d873f30d

Size: 64392542 bytes


squidfont_orchestral.sf2 contains this Instruments:

All the insturments...



and the second file:

squidfont_orchestral.sf2 - It is highly supposed, that those data are protect by Copyright

internal ICOP file copyright: Not for commercial use

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