djpretzel Posted August 3, 2003 Posted August 3, 2003 email attachment file Kyoso no Densetsu.mp3 - I had concerns this was originally from the anime but used in the game, but have not been able to verify, and we can't delay any longer. - djp *repeat mail* djp, I have another submissim. I know, I know, it's pretty quick, but I didn't think I was going to finish have it done so soon. It's from some Initial D Playstation Racing game, yes, finally a remix from a "racing game" remix, oooooohh =P......anyways. The music from this game is greatness, you should check it out. It's a good game too =). *Off topic*, sorry. It's called "Kyoso no Densetsu", and I have the lyrics for you too. ~DJ Crono "Jovette Rivera"~
Protricity Posted August 5, 2003 Posted August 5, 2003 Holy CRUD< What a messy intro. Wow.. this song really impressed me. Not so much the simple beat, or the simple melody, but the singing! Not ace, but damn well for what it is. Ending was sort of weak but it fit. The call-out voice samples are way too overused. Still, very nice on the lyrics and rappin. YES EDIT: Listening to this 2 or 3 more times, I believe that it is indeed way too repetitve/ messy/ Simplistic. The singing wasn't as good as I remember it being. I'll give this song the benifit of my doubt as to why I voted YES on it. It might have been cause I heard it on bad speakers. In case anyone's wondering, it would be extremely rare for me to use bad speakers and I do it only when I'm not home for a long time, bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.
Malcos Posted August 13, 2003 Posted August 13, 2003 The intro is quite confusing. The main mix is good, everything is eq'ed and fits together well which is excellent, especially considering that the texture of the mix is quite thick. Vocals have been arranged and processed well. YES
analoq Posted August 23, 2003 Posted August 23, 2003 crono needs to learn some proper vocal recording techniques.. his vocals rarely cut through and always come off sounding weak. more attention to compression and eq (and possibly mic placement) needs to be displayed here. or maybe it's his equipment? i doubt it. $160 could buy you a half-decent mic and pre-amp, which is probably a lot cheaper than the (roland?) synth he's using for the background music. the background music is equally weak, the beats are not phat and everything sounds muddy or cluttered. nice use of overdubbing, however. and the emceeing at 3:30 is pretty good. nice lyrics overall. but this mix really feels unpolished and weak. no
Vig Posted August 24, 2003 Posted August 24, 2003 woah...there are some lo-fi sounds in the intro...shitty string patch... hmm...i have to agree with anna that the vocals arent recorded or mixed well. it may be the encoding, but i hear fuzz on the vocals and some other instruments. again, like analoq said, this just feels a little bit cheap. NO
Israfel Posted September 2, 2003 Posted September 2, 2003 Does an excellent job of achieving a nice "dance-pop" sound. The weak point is the singing- the recording and intonation are sub-par. And it's a huge shame because most everything else is done rather well. Performance issues give this a somewhat amateurish feel, but overall it's a fairly solid work. YES
Digital Coma Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 Boom, Boom, Boom. Weuuuur, neeeeeur, weeeeeur. La la la. This would sound GREAT as a recorded hybrid air-guitar/open-mic session. But... as a serious effort? This practically screams "sloppy", and it's unfortunate, because Crono's singing has usually been an act of finesse. But I can't dig the droll drum loop, chaotic backdrop flow, overdone sound FX, repetitious lyrics, subdued vocals, and lack of direction. Where is this supposed to go? Where did it even start? This just leaves me creasing my forehead. Ultimately, I'm not impressed enough to pass it. NO
Disco Dan Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 Sloppy seems to be the word of the day. Also seems a bit overdone. I'm gonna have to agree with Binnie on this one. It doesn't SOUND like a serious attempt. Reminds me of something that would be played on one of those um... I think they're called "animutations." And the actual music part of it is mostly unison, which I suppose is appropriate for this genre (what genre is this??). But it grates after a while. And the lyrics aren't prominent enough to be the focus of the mix. That and that piano is sooooooooooooooo dry. Even just some stage ambience would be nice so it didn't sound like the practice pianos they made us use for Keyboard Skills 101. Ok I'm rambling now. NO D
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