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XP is giving total freezes on my macbook, at random intervals.

- Screen just goes totally still

- I don't necessarily have to be doing anything for it to freeze

- It functions perfectly until then, even playing cod4 at full specs for an hour or so is possible

- Laptop is making quite a lot of processing noises, Its coming mostly from the top left side

- Could happen after 3 seconds or 3 hours

- It doesn't ask for safe mode when i force shut down and turn on again

The OSX partition has absolutely no issues whatsoever and makes virtually no "thinking" noise even during intensive applications.

I googled this for a while but all the cases I found were different in some way. Does anyone have any ideas I could look into?


sound freezing: I'll have to get back to you on this, i'll leave some music on loop and test it later

hd: old macbook pro's don't have user replaceable HD's, but I found where it is anyway and yeah, the noise seems like its all coming from the HD. I find this really strange because even on idle the HD was going absolutely mental for no reason. It had nothing to do at all. The mac partition makes absolutely no noise, and even during thinking time its very quiet.

One of the issues that it could have been looking at other cases was a fragmented drive, but I deleted 2 gigs of stuff (its only a 10 gig partition) and did a full defrag and optomise while it was behaving itself and it seemed okay for about an hour or so but then I had another freeze. I had time to back up the maybe 20mg of actually useful stuff on it (i use it mostly for gaming) aswell so if it comes to it I suppose I can reformat that partition, but I don't really want to unless i have to.

Laptop is making quite a lot of processing noises

hard drive noise

also, are the sounds from thinking (cpu processing)

hahahahaahahaha wut

processors do not make sound

you cant tell me you build computers and still think this


even during thinking time its very quiet.

You people sound like my grandma.

hahahahaahahaha wut processors do not make sound

no, they don't, however the relays that make that clicking sound when a processor is running under full load DO make sound. note that i didn't specifically say that the cpu made the noise, just that there's an extremely fast clicking sound when any computer is under load.

it's good to see you're contributing to threads again instead of just flaming them [/sarcasm]. unmod died for a reason, dumbass. go act like atmuh at remod, we don't want you here.


I had the same problem years ago. My problem was that my fan had died and I didnt notice, so the PC was overheating. After I realized the fan problem, it was still doing it, and it was because the heat permanently damaged my system.



Any sound that is made by the voltage regulators would be so silent that it wouldn't matter. MOFSETs can sound sometimes, but they make a audible squeal as the ferrite core vibrates in the copper wiring extremely fast.

If the hard drive was failing and making that much noise because of it you would get a lot more notification than just windows freezing occasionally. Such as nothing working at all.

Sounds more like overheating, power supply issues, or (more likely) driver conflicts.

What makes me doubt that its hardware is that if it was OSX would be messing up as well.

it's good to see you're contributing to threads again instead of just flaming them [/sarcasm]. unmod died for a reason, dumbass. go act like atmuh at remod, we don't want you here.

arent you clever

but seriously, calling activity "thinking"? I haven't done that since i was eight.


Effef, genuinely thanks for the info in the last post, but this is called the "help and newbies" forum. I know I suck with techy stuff, and that's all your first post wanted to point out.

I'll run a temperature test and see if its anything to do with overheating next chance i get.

Effef, genuinely thanks for the info in the last post, but this is called the "help and newbies" forum. I know I suck with techy stuff, and that's all your first post wanted to point out.

I'll run a temperature test and see if its anything to do with overheating next chance i get.

I wasn't really aiming at you, I was aiming at mephisto since he should know better considering what he does.

Make sure you run a stress test in OSX as well as Windows, just to rule out the possibility of driver or program conflicts screwing up the test.


orthos would do a good job for windows (i don't know macs so i don't know if there's an orthos for macs). get the version that'll support your core setup (single, dual, whatever) and just run it for a few hours with hardware monitor (the free one, hwmonitor.exe, not the trial one, hmonitor.exe) up to track highest temps on the system. there's a good chance it's NOT the cpu overheating and instead one of the chipsets, which is why i'm recommending using hwmonitor (which tracks everything, including voltages).

effef's idea of running a stress test in osx isn't a bad idea either, it'll give us a hardline to compare against.

what graphics card/drivers are you using, anyways?

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so I'm running the test atm. Its got prelude on loop <3 so when it freezes I can hear if the sound stops. I've got hwmonitor on AND speed fan, but neither of them can tell me how fast the fans are going :(. Its been on for a few hours now and its refusing to screw up again. Originally when i tried it this morning it froze after about 12 seconds, so I have no idea why it hasn't frozen yet.

The temperatures look normal, if anything quite low.

OSX with itunes open and firefox 3:

cpu 75

gpu: 70

HD: can't remember

fans around 2000rpm

XP with winamp and firefox 3:

cpu: 49

gpu: 54

HD: 35

fans: won't tell me

If it would just FAIL already I could tell you what happens to those temperatures when it goes nuts.

EDIT: I got bored and decided to push it into overdrive. I opened pokemon ruby/supermario 64/Final fantasy 9 in emulators simultaneously and pumped the frameskips up as fast as they go. The temperatures got up to 85 on the cpu and gpu, but the HD stayed at 35. As soon as I closed them the temperatures went down to normal within 2 or 3 minutes, so I really don't think that this is a fan issue. They're definately doing their job. Any thoughts?

EDIT2: Orthos has been stressting CPU and RAM for the past 20 minutes with no warnings or errors. The temperatures are what they were when I did my highly scientific emulator test.


Yes its in celcius, I'm just reading what two seperate monitoring utilities told me, and both of them told me the same thing. I think I've done enough stress testing to say that its nothing to do with the actual processor or its heat management, because it froze this morning after 12 seconds. Surely orthos would've made it freeze after a few seconds if it was anything to do with the cpu/gpu/ram being unable to cope with something.

The HD is the part that does most of the work on startup, so imo the fact that my computer hasn't frozen after 14 hours of being on including about an hour of orthos shows that it's something to do with the HD. I haven't been putting any stress on that at all, its just been sitting here not having to do anything mostly.

Of course I have no real idea but that is what makes most sense to me?


nvidia recently released the 180 forceware drivers - maybe they'll fix whatever the issue is. uninstall the graphics, reinstall, and go from there. it doesn't HAVE to be the sound - the sound just loops on that noise because the whole system freezes, not because it's broke and everything else is fine.

those temps are still freaking me out. buy a chill pad and see what happens.

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