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Email title was "failed tetrisphere project, ITT jjt please vote on this mix" - did he not get the memo? :lol: - LT

hey all.

(i didn't bother tagging it because no matter what i put it'd likely have to get adjusted again by someone for something i missed anyways...sorry if it's an inconvenience)

so, i started a one-man remix project for tetrisphere ages ago, and just lost interest. haven't played the game in probably twelve years, so it's not like i had any really personal stake in it, it just had cool music (yeah neil voss!) i don't even own an n64 anymore to play it on anyways =(

i've got six finished songs, a few of which might wind up with slight makeovers, that are going to be submitted in coming weeks. if there's some way i can just send more than one every three, that'd be fantastic - most of these haven't been touched in like two years or something. they're all pretty weird, reflecting voss's soundtrack as it is, and most reflect my current trend towards instrumental rock and the like.

the first one i'd like to submit is actually a second take on the original theme. the original is called 'magic fluter', and my cut of it is called 'funky fluter'.

for those who don't recognize the instruments used, i did a lot with ueberschall's elastik player. most of the instruments that aren't the melody or the organ are from ueberschall's 'the resource' pack. fantastic stuff there, i did several of these tetrisphere songs using clips from them. the organ is the native instruments b4 II organ, and the lead is done using rob papen's fantastic synthesizer Blue 1.01. i realized after the fact that i had v1.7 of the synth, but i already had all my presets worked out and didn't feel like porting them. the piano is (i don't really remember, actually) probably just fl keys. it was made in fl 7.

i tried to just bring out the natural groove of the piece and integrate it with some really laid-back background parts. i feel i accomplished this pretty well. the elastik packs really play in the pocket, and it was a simple matter to get the phunk worked out with the melodic line. i feel i did a lot better at the one thing that continually is a problem with my mixes - production - and made a mix that is a lot clearer and more enjoyable to listen to than some of the trash i've submitted in the last three or four years.

enjoy. don't rip it too hard. let's see if i can get by without rejection number fourteen (holy shit, fourteen? gawd i'm terrible).

NOTE: jjt please vote on this mix and thank me that i didn't do a lengthy tribute to statutory anal rape - i really almost did a mix with that phrase in it just for the lulz (from my junkie mix, if you forgot)

see you all at magfest (hopefully) this year! i might be a vendor with some custom computers on display (can we say OCREMIX MOD JOB possibly), so i'm looking forward to it.


ok, the boring part.

Contact Information

* Your ReMixer name: the prophet of mephisto (if i could get my name in lower case in the database, that'd be awesome)

* Your real name: Brad Burr

* Your email address: bradley.burr@gmail.com (needs to be updated in the contact info, i know)

* Your website: www.soundclick.com/theprophetofmephisto

* Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 8761 (i didn't realize it was so low!)

Submission Information

* Name of game(s) arranged: tetrisphere

* Name of individual song(s) arranged: magic fluter

* Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrisphere

* Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) : i can upload it if you really want it and can't find it

* Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. : read above extensive introduction.




Syrupy source tune for the chilluns.

http://www.zophar.net/download_file/12228 - "Magic Fluter"

Feeling the intro, though I didn't hear much connection to the original. Once things picked up at :31, the soundscape felt cramped, IMO. The piano at :39 finally referenced the source melody overtly. The sequencing was on the mechanical-sounding side and could have been refined; exposing it like that from :47-:50 wasn't good.

The rigid sequencing of the lead at :50 was also jarring on the first listen. Very swanky dropoff at 1:21, with the guitar at the forefront. IMO, I thought the synth handling the melody at 1:38 should have been positioned more in the front with the bass behind it more.

Picked back up at 2:09. Though the soundscape sounded crowded, I still thought the percussion didn't quite fill out the background enough and drive the track forward. I liked 3:13's final section, but felt like it sounded too thin at the end.

Definitely a really good track, and I'm probably being too tough on it, but while the arrangement is hot, I wouldn't mind some tweaks to polish up the production and get it sounding as strong as the writing. Better separation of the parts and refining some of the sequencing a little would put this over the top. I could definitely be outvoted here, because I'm feeling this a lot, Brad, but I think it could still use that extra push over the cliff. [/Nigel Tufnel] Good luck with the rest of the vote.

NO (refine/resubmit)


I'm going to have Funky Drummer in my head all day now. Word association, you know.

Really liked the intro. Very good way to set your mood, parts are nice and clear. 0:30 is when it went downhill for me. The drums were a little buried, and the synth overlaps with the piano in the octave you've got it in. At 0:50 the synth comes up an octave, which is an improvement, but things still feel crowded. I actually think you could stand to make the song less complicated, not a criticism I often give. (Sometimes some of the backing parts felt a little unmelodious too, so if you agree, maybe those are parts you can remove or simplify.)

I also thought the synth needed to be more upfront since it's your lead. There are a lot of parts all playing around the same volume, leaving me nothing to focus on. EQ will certainly help, but you may also need to decide what should be focused on, and make the other parts less prominent. Let them be felt rather than heard?

The arrangement is really pretty good despite my criticisms. The source is handled elegantly, and I think the combination of sounds you used is nice. There's just got a few problems holding you back.

Sorry to make this another NO, Brad, but I did YES your last song! Cast your blame on Larry and the like. :-P

NO (resubmit)

  • 1 month later...

The synth just kills this track. It's such an uninteresting, buzzy sound that doesn't jive with the rest of the texture. The soundscape gets really crowded, but at the same time, it doesn't feel like there's much there to support it. You've got everything shoved into the mid-range with very little foundation. 1:12 is particularly messy.

Arrangement on the other hand is imaginative and really nice.

NO, resub

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