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Hello all!

This is my first attempt at remixing anything in the slightest. I wanted to hear what CT's Wind Scene would sound like through several layered electric guitar tracks w/ lots of harmonics, and this is my current progress.

I've got pretty thick skin, so please critique to the fullest!




Ah, Longing for the Wind, how fond we are...

First of all, this is kinda quiet. You need to turn up the volume on this yo!

I hear some clipping at 0:24 when the guitar comes in. You'll want to fix that up.

The chord the guitars play at 1:07 sounds really off...I don't know if it's wrong or if it is the by-product of an effect you have going.

The wind sound effect at the end was kind of taking away from the guitar soloing at the end, and that was a pretty lame ending. I'm sure you can think of a proper RAWK ending to end this baby on.

As a whole, it seems kind of cluttered. You have a lot of good ideas in there, but i think they need to be sorted out and placed so that they work together well.

This has promise! I look forward to an updated version.


This is coming from a non-mixer, listener standpoint. Hopefully you find something here useful:

I definitely second the volume up, especially on the bass. It was hard to hear the kick at all for me and the rhythm chords swallowed the actual bass line.

The mid-range is really popular. With the dirt effects on every instrument and fast notes make it hard to distinguish different tracks at times, especially at around 2:00.

2:54 began my favorite part and felt great to listen to (though i still crave more bass to stand up to the highs.) Personal taste-> really wanted things to go into a breakdown in the bit after that (3:10) to setup a new background for the next solo. i got a bit tired of hearing the same style guitar playing the same style progression the same way after getting prominently shown something seemingly new to the mix.

The end switches to the original suddenly, it's like the guitar didn't have a chance to finish yet. i defend the cheese. there's a long loved history of cheese in metal

also- this is my first post though i've been reading/downloading for years now, so i just want to thank those responsible for ocr for being responsible for ocr


-note:self: use less adverbs-


Thanks to you both for the feedback.

I'd really like to be able to say "I'll get right on fixing those things and making it better!" but as luck would have it some yet-to-be-tracked-down piece of hardware on my desktop bit the bullet not four hours after uploading this, leaving me with a hunk of useless metal and plastic :( Here's hoping all my premix tracks are still intact... Likely its a sound/graphics card or power supply/motherboard issue, though.

But that's okay; keep them crits coming. I can still read and think about ways to improve the mix while I'm playing geek squad :)


I was kinda hoping to hear a non-piano version of this track sometime!

Currently OCR has this track mixed a ton of times (of course, it's ChronoTrigger), but like almost all of them are piano. Which I don't mind, but seriously.

Okay, I have one serious critique. The wind effect... I hate it. It lasts the whole time and it gets real old. Maybe good for an intro or outro effect just to add some ambiance, but having it go the whole time is annoying and distracting from the real work you put into the mix.

Thanks for the listen.


Yeah drums need some work. They're kind'a buried, too repetitive, not very natural sounding... Varying velocities, avoiding to overuse the snare, more hihat, crash, ride action... all I can hear is the snare. Listen to some rock, listen to the drums. It's not all snare. :P

Also, you could get rid of the wind sound effect for a lot of the track, only throw it in where the track gets empty; the track gets a little cluttery.

Guitars sound a little dull, but it's probably something some a bit of processing could solve. Not sure about the many additional guitar tracks, it gets a bit cluttery. Some pan, volume, and EQ separation might solve that, tho.

I'm not hearing a bass, which would give this track more of a foundation.. which considering the wind theme it maybe should go without. Still, it needs something in the lower range.

The source rips sound too... rippedy. You could play those parts with pretty much any instruments, and just kill the quality and it'd be passable as intro and outro.

And... volume up, please.

This is an interesting and welcome approach. We've heard this on piano, we've heard it in the game... Your version would, cleaned up and polished, be an awesome contrast to them. Good luck.


i like your idea a lot but you need to turn the wind sound effects DOWN and turn the Guitars WAY up... this song could rock a lot harder than it does.

Id also rec doing something about the drums... they are generic, like really generic. I would replace them and go with some harder guitar riffs and add some more bass.

You do have something good to build on though, if nothing else fix the drums.

edit: id look at what sixto sounds does as far as guitar and drums to get a better idea of what would make this song awesome. No im not suggesting about ripping off his style but it certainly wouldn't be a bad place to start as an example at all.

The instruments do get very jumbled in the middle of the track and you really could use more separation as well... you could feel free to cut out the drums at several points if you want to highlight the guitar or bass etc. 1:48 ~ 2:16 and beyond is a good example of the clutter, the guitar sounds okay in that part but the drums makes it sound much worse until you drop it at 2:40 then you bring it back right after that and you can see it just ruins it before you drop it again and go with a guitar solo and some bass which again sounds good.

Essentially you have some right ideas but then the drums really ruin it for me.

I hope that helps you

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