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Hi guys, it has been brought to my attention that PuLSer has been waiting on judging of his mix. Here is the e-mail...

Hi jivemaster, please help me, i've watched the "sticky thread in judges decision for 4 months now every update! this is my problem:

i know it doesnt concern you but i would really aprecciate some help

since your a judge

I sent an email first 3-4 months ago (i am serious, 4 months!!!) i wanted my remix to be on the site.. i havent got a reply from dj pretzel.. so i tried again and still no reply..

my remix.. is a c64 like chiptune remix from the game spy vs spy

and can be found here:

i would be very very thankfull if you can help me bring this to judging forum, i have waited so long.

it would be nice if someone could mail me and say "no sorry this wont do" or at least anything like that

please help? will you help? reply! thanks

\\ PuLSer

a.k.a PsyPuls


this is a unique interpretation from the original (assuming this is a remix of the NES version of the game, the only version i've played) the C64ness is ... okay. the percussion rhythm is uhh, different. but not in an interesting way. i think for the timespan of this track (1:50) it really doesn't offer the listener quite enough.

it is only the same 4 bars over and over but with changing accompaniment each time. doesn't really build, no climax, no tension. the author says in the ID3 tag that he did this in one day. yes... he did.

"no sorry this won't do"


1:50 is far too short to be a remix.

The beat has some serious sync issues. It may have been intentional, but either way, its damned hard on the ears and kills the rythm.

Chord problems from 1:00 and up.

Try for a good 4 minutes and try not to loop so much. Work on your beats and try for other instruments aside from what the NES used. This is, after all, a remixing website.\



Hmm, not one for chiptunes myself. This is a little repetitive, but the arrangement itself is ok, and I like what the bass is doing with the chord in the second half - it makes things a little more interesting. It is very short though, and I think that the mix would be a lot better if it wasn't a chiptune.



The drums are rather overpowering- pretty much drowning out everything else.

Could definitely some more ideas as well- there's only one musical idea going on here, as the same harmonies, beats etc. basically repeat throughout.

I can appreciate some of the attempts at creating a unique sound with the off-kilter drum beat and such, but overall this mix just doesn't work well in my opinion.


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