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*NO* Tetris 'Dance to Tetris'


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Worth taking a bit more time to listen to than one might initially think - djp

Hello, I have done an Eastern-sounding dance arrangement of the classic tetris theme.

The direct link to the file is: NO

But if you have problems, go to:

NO (Hardcore Hen is my other artist name, but on Overclocked I want my artist name to be "Sad_Muso", and the song title to be "Dance To Tetris".

Thank you, hope to hear from you soon,

James Aslett (Sad_Muso)


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this is the original with drums and simple-stupid harmony added. while there are some things done more interestingly in this mix than in other simple techno conversions, ohter things are done worse. the drums are for the most part interesting. However, simple whole note 1-5 string harmony does little to enrich the mix, especially when the harmony often plays wrong or dissonant chords. i am unimpressed by changed notes in the melody and other artistic liberties taken in this mix. for instance, i am not impressed by clever little techno tricks such as repeating two beats of a phrase four times before moving on to the next two beats.


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especially when the harmony often plays wrong or dissonant chords

That's my big gripe. You've got these stepping 5ths going through out the whole thing, and they're not quite right with the accompanying notes. I like some of the effects, I like the beat. I like the percolating synth. I like the variety in the sections, but the wrong notes are killing me. Literally. I am dying. There are cuts in my skin for every wrong note played. I am bleeding-- oh god. The keuwbotadi sg etting gunkedup[




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Dan's right about the chords. 5th may be good for trance and other forms of simplistic music cause most listeners wont notice, but when you're using a song which has a real melodic structure and trying to simplify it to 5th chords, everything fails. Meh, could have explained that better.

Basically, this fits in the catagory of 'originial with a drumloop'

I must apologize for using this, but it just owns.


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