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I need various musicians for an album project - Guitar/bass/drums/band instruments

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So this is a cross-post from VGMix because I still need more participants.

I've written a whole album of arrangements from various games - Final Fantasy, Super Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger, Xenogears, Cave Story, Star Ocean, Tetris, Fire Emblem, and others.

It's all finished and ready to be recorded. I am playing flute, alto flute, and piccolo on this myself. The instruments I need are:

Acoustic Guitar

Acoustic Bass

Drum Set

Miscellaneous Percussion (I might not need this since I can play triangle, etc. myself )

Grand Piano (no uprights please - I want the feel of a grand)



Clarinet possibly but I might try to play it myself. Just need to practice

You need to be able to record yourself in a professional manner and be willing to work up potentially hard music.

If you happen to live within a few hundred miles of Houston County, GA (about an hour south of Atlanta) I can record you myself.

Depending on the success of the album and how it turns out, their may or may not be a CD release in the cards. I run a recording business and can do full CD packaging and production so I can release this "professionally" if there is interest. I would try to pay the musicians if possible if this happens.

Please respond here if you are interested. I plan on making a private forum for all of the musicians involved to work with me on the tracks. I also want the track list to be primarily a secret until release time.



I am first interested in finishing the album. Only if there is a big interest will I even think about "releasing" it, though it would probably be more along the lines of "make a donation, get a free CD!" with downloads available (the incentive is to have a fully packaged CD).


I can do bongos and other hand percussion. In fact, I just played them at MAGFest. I can also do drum set but it would be much harder to get and record that, so I'll leave it with bongos and other hand percussion. As for recording, I've got myself an Apogee Duet. How does this sound for a microphone?


This sounds interesting : |

I might be able to do some violin work. However, I'm still learning this and that, and waiting to get a decent audio interface, so I don't even know how I'll sound. So .. I guess I can be a last-ditch backup violinist :<


Great! I'm glad to see some interest growing. I'm going to put together a private forum in a few days and get down to business.

About the recording thing: I want this to be 100% professional sounding, and as a recording engineer myself I have pretty high standards (see my website in my sig). But that doesn't mean you've got to have $10,000 worth of equipment.

Pezman, your setup sounds just fine. For percussion, I specifically need: triangle, tambourine, and wind chimes. But if your interested I might be able to write a few more parts in with various percussion - I actually just thought of a good place to put some bongos.

dPaladin, let me know if you are able to get access to the recording setup and if you'd be able to play the piano parts on a grand and record it. I think this will be the hardest thing to get so if you can do it great! I am in my last semester of college so I know how that is - luckily I know all the right people and could get access to a Steinway B in an auditorium any day I want.

sillythewilly: so you are still learning to record stuff? I might be able to talk you through some stuff and maybe even loan you some gear - let's keep our options open.

By the way, let me reiterate that if you live anywhere close to GA I might could meet up with you and do the recording myself. I figure there's gotta be a few people from GA here.

Thanks for the interest!


I can cut some acco. and Elec. Guitars for you. I have a cheap condenser mic and a digital 4 track with sonar for mix-down. Let us know, hope you get the forum started soon. Gonna need samples of what you have so far. Can make acidized loops for you if you need.

I can get some pretty nice production values with my set-up, and need some stuff to work on right now. Hope it will sound good enough. Oh yeah, I live in Lafayette Louisiana.

I am first interested in finishing the album. Only if there is a big interest will I even think about "releasing" it, though it would probably be more along the lines of "make a donation, get a free CD!" with downloads available (the incentive is to have a fully packaged CD).

See, this just worries me a little bit. You could get into sticky territory here. When you're just releasing something for free, technically you should be paying royalties for every copy produced or downloaded, but you're probably going to fly under the radar (it's not in most game companies' general interest to take legal action against OCR for instance, and some developers and composers have even been involved with or endorsed it). But once you're venturing into *any* sort of profit-inducing territory (even if you're calling it "donation for a free cd" or whatever), you become a much bigger target, and even if you start licensing properly at that point you could potentially get into trouble for the free copies you distributed previously.


Yeah, I do know the copyright implications. I honestly don't think it would ever garner enough interest to make a CD release viable, but let's just say that if it's becoming a viable interest I will do what is necessary on this front.

I mean, a finished album given away for free is better than an unfinished CD that was going to be marketed, you know??

Edit: Now this is just a brain storm: if I sold blank CDs all nice and packaged, and the buyers burn the free download, wouldn't that be nice and legal?


Forum is done!


Just a little more info concerning the album: my official name for the album is "Destiny's Way," which is the title track as well. Hence the forum name. As I might have stated it will be completely acoustic (no keyboards or electronic instruments). Pretty much all the arrangements are done and I'll post some of them up on the forum ASAP.

Please join if you are interested, either in playing something for me or just hearing the completed project. I am really serious about getting this done and look forward to a really fine product!


Okay you guys who seemed interested, where are you??

If I can't get musicians I'm afraid the project is dead in the water.

Let me remind you the pieces are written and ready to roll. The project is outta my hands, so I really need you!

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