Liontamer Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Been waiting years for this one - LT Game: Mega Man 3 Source: Magnet Man Stage ReMix: Magnet Missles ReMixers: JigginJonT, ptitteri, zyko Notes: One of my vivid memories from childhood is watching my older brother and his friends play through Mega Man 3 (an experience I'm sure many in this community can relate to). Before I had even started contributing to ocremix, I wanted to arrange the Magnet Man stage music. It's my favorite song off what I believe is one of the strongest soundtracks in the history of the medium. Another thing I had really wanted to do with an ocremix submission was collaborate with my older brother, Pete. Yes, this is the same older brother mentioned earlier. If any of you have enjoyed my psuedojazz arrangements over the years, then you should know that he was the one who sat me down at a piano when I was a kid, and showed me the basics of pop, rock, and jazz. Like me, he also plays a brass instrument. Unlike me, however, he can actually utilize the full range of said instrument, and bend it to his will. He is a fantastic trombone player. As for the ReMix itself, a sad little demo was recorded in the fall 2003, featuring myself on guitar and trumpet. On a whim, I got in touch with a dude who called himself zyko. All I knew about him at the time was that he had done guitar for Relics of the Chozo, and that we once had a pleasant conversation about the Beatles in #ocremix. I asked him to take a shot at recording some guitar tracks. He quickly emailed me a mixdown of roughly 7 guitar parts that left me amazed and somewhat baffled . The final product still remains my favorite zyko performance to date, though I'll admit I'm a little (see: heavily) biased. I've written too much already, so I'll try to move this along. I sucked at recording and mixing in 2003*. Once everything was tracked, there was too much going on for me to create a good mixdown. I gave up on it sometime around 2005. I approached four different people about mixing it for me, but none were able to follow through. History became legend. Legend became myth. In 2009, Danimal Cannon offered to master an old mix of the project, after seeing me gab about in #ocremix. 10 minutes later I had a finished product. Go figure. Anyway, this is a ReMix that should have been submitted 5 years ago. If nothing else, I hope you enjoy the lost JJT/zyko collab, and a chance to hear my big bro shred. In case you're curious JigginJonT - producer/arranger, drum/bass sequencing, keyboard, trumpet ptitteri - trombone zyko - guitars *I still suck at recording and mixing.
DarkeSword Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 Wow pretty rockin! I love the live brass. Nicely performed. That trombone solo is great; there's nothing quite like jazz trombone, y'know? The combination of zyko's rockin' guitar and the brass from the brothers T makes for a great texture. I like it; great arrangement, lots of energy. YES
Palpable Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 Arrangement is damn good. zyko's wild guitar solo steals the show for me, but all the writing and playing is great. So much energy! Like a controversial Final Fantasy 6 sub we judged, about half of this is great riffing straight on the melodies from the original, and the rest is soloing over the original's chords. We passed that sub, and this one has an even more unique structure, so I never felt it got too far away from the original. There's no problem arrangement-wise. Mixing was... a little rough but decent. I could make the leads out the entire time, but there's a lack of breathing room. And when that keyboard comes in, it's a mess. Luckily, that's a fairly short part of the song. I think I'm comfortable passing this as it is. We've passed live arrangements with rougher production before, and in this case, the arrangement is really tight. I'd love to see this six-year old mix make it to the front page. YES
Liontamer Posted January 30, 2009 Author Posted January 30, 2009 - Track 3 ("Magnetman Stage") What's up with that click/pop sound at the beginning. Ice that. Other than that, awesome. Great energy given to the theme, and great freestyling over the foundation of the original to keep it hot. I liked weed's work here, but I will admit the brass grabbed my attention the most; I was really liking the layered action going on. Man, this one I WIPs heard so long ago, I thought we'd never get it here, but props to Jon for never forgetting about it, and definitely gotta give respect to Danimal Cannon for spurcing up the production on it. I definitely remember the mixing not being ready for primetime with the old versions, yet this one brought it. Definitely a fun ride, this one. YES
anosou Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 Pure. Gold. And here's why: The arrangement is full of energy, varied source usage and clever passages. The performance is excellent, especially the trombone solo. The production is way above the bar. Anything else than a YES would be a kick in OCR's groin. YES (remove the click btw)
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