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This sounds pretty dern good to me, but I don't know Starcraft as well as y'all, so... -djp


I am the singer/songwriter Rene Rosa aka Evil Adam and have done some VG covers in the past.

here is the first one i am submitting of 3 that i have done so far.

It is called "StarCracft- Zerg Must Die!" and covers 2 of the terran themes in the original starcraft.

Hope you like it,


Evil Adam aka Rene Rosa



the riffs are phat! but the problem is it sticks pretty close to the original, the transition between the two themes is effortless, and it sounds empty overall, limited harmony and limited bass. ending is effortless as well. what would have saved this for me is an improv section or something aside from just repeating what was already played. i want to pass it but sadly i think this would benefit from a resubmit...



This is a guitar+drums cover of the original Terran themes, no more, much less. The bridges are mediocre; find a common motif to hook the different melodies together. Watch those +0 db peaks: the song gets messy when more percussive elements are in play with the riffs. Some flubs and timing mishaps, but good playing nonetheless. What's up with the ending?

Develop the progression and rearrange StarCraft!



This indeed sticks very close to the great original and wherein lies the problem. Its nowhere near as good as it only uses guitar and rather static beats. Its basically a far simplified rendition of the great original and nowhere near the same level of quality. Guitar could be played a bit better as well.

Its nice to see someone take on such a hard remix challenge though :)



Zerg rush! kekekekeke ^_____________^

First Impressions:

Dood, I love me some riffs. The guitar is excellent. But that main synth, the one carrying the melody, is so subdued. It's really oddly balanced. It seems more logical that the phat guitar would be picking up most of the melody, but, c'est la vie. Mixer's perogative I suppose.

It's got a really hollow feel to it. Let's see: guitar, drums, and main synth. That's only 3 instruments playing at any one given time. It creates a very empty sound, which is not good. Sounds like a great house band with that key forth member too high on E to play.

Pretty repetative and ends on kinda a *OOF* note.

Lasting Impression:

Had some much potential to be WIIIIKED, but falters on a few key issues. Namely: fullness of sound, development, choice of lead instrument, and variation.


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