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Hello OCR peeps -

We wanted to make a Tetris remix that wasn't 'that one theme that everyone remixes' - and we did. Listen to it here:

:arrow:mattlohkamp.com/aselectbselect/tetris c.mp3 (current version)

(previous versions)

mattlohkamp.com/aselectbselect/tetris c v1.mp3

mattlohkamp.com/aselectbselect/tetris c v2.mp3

mattlohkamp.com/aselectbselect/tetris c v3.mp3

mattlohkamp.com/aselectbselect/tetris c v4.mp3

kinda trancey, about 4 minutes long... we like it. But do you like it? We want to know! We'd love feedback!

(we know, it needs a cool name. we're thinking.)


The usage of that post-game music thing at the end was an interesting touch..

Holistically I was pleased, for the most part. but i'm in no state of mind to give critiques.. i'll try to hit this up later.


thanks, it seemed like an interesting way to end things. If you do get a chance to give it a more critical listen, we'd appreciate any feedback. We've been listening to it for so long that we need some outside opinions.


Very original intro. Yeah, it's trancy, but it's not too hardcore for me. The melody is well presented and it's not too monotonous. I think the synths are okay in terms of quality.

2:03 : Is that clipping?

I don't know if I'm getting soft in my feedbacks or I'm just critiquing better songs recently.. either way, good luck.


ive been waiting a long time for someone to remix this. It was my favorite tetris type on the nintendo, it sounds good but i think it needs some more and made a little longer. Overall i like how this remix sounds and its style, KEEP IT UP!!!


I listened to it again, Everything past 2:05 sounds great, but when that single distorted synth breaks up into a beat at 2:30 sounds very good, i think that should be put into the background a lot more than just that syngle distorted one. And the end is a nice touch, but when you slow it down it seems like it just drags on. I love everything else about the mix tho.


Hmm, pretty sweet. I like the distortion that fades in and out on various synths and the panning is nicely not over done. I think the conceptual nature of the song is pulled off well, in that the neither the tempo change nor the ending feel forced or cheesy

I think the introduction of the kick at 0:17 is way too early. There's nothing leading up to it and it is unpleasantly shocking to me. I'd either fade it in gradually using the volume or by automating the attack from something long to something shorter.

Lengthwise I think it starts to drag a little, but that would probably be fixed if you varied up the main line of the synth that comes in at 0:47. You do some doubling and delay work, but it still just doesn't change enough for me. Maybe some filtering automation, interesting harmonies or layering would work.

Overall, nice work :)


This is one of the songs on my Oddball Wishlist!

And I'd have to say this is one excellent piece of work! I'm of no position (lack the knowledge) to give critique, but then, I'm relatively easy to please.

I REALLY like this song. I hope it succeeds in being added to the official collection here on the site.

For now, I'll keep this copy you've provided. :<



@SplinterOfChaos - good call on the clipping, we've still got some work to do on the leveling and whatnot. My computer speakers are decent as computer speakers go, but we'll likely end up listening on a pair of studio monitors and some good headphones before we finalize.

@eliteharbinger - yeah, the tempo transition deserves another look, thanks for pointing it out.

@Harmony - nice to hear from an oc remixer. it's good that the tempo change and ending don't sound cheesy - those are sort of the biggest transition areas of the song, and we don't want to mess them up. The immediate kick is an interesting point, which we'll mull over - the kick sort of needs to be there to round out the bassline, but maybe we can just introduce it a little more gradually. doing a little less falling back on already-used phrases might help keep the interest up throughout the length, too.

@Diehard Trojan Von Nut - :shock: really? that trancey pluck synth sound and spacey square lead are playing the type-c melody throughout the whole thing, albeit changed up a bit timing-wise. The low-end is all in the bassline, which just keeps things solidly on-key. Actually, maybe you're thinking about a different track... because 'c' doesn't have any drums. This is the third music option on the first Tetris for the original NES.

... we're meeting saturday to revisit the mix, as well as take a look at a kirby track... stay tuned, updated mix will be posted later that night!


Alright, after a fun and productive little mixing session, I think we've cleared up a few issues.

- added compression and leveling attention overall, should clear up peaking issues

- introduced the kick a little (just a little) more subtly in the intro, but its probably gonna stay this way - we're digging the sudden 'appearance' of the kick

- cut out a superfluous measure worth of melody, which should shorten things and keep it a little less repetitive

if you listened to it before, give it another go, especially if you commented, and let us know if you've got any new suggestions! Thanks!


Upon downloading and analyzing the newer version, I have this to say: Aside from noticeable changes to the marine intro and the distorted conclusion, I see very little differences.

The intro's adjustments have no major effect, but I personally like the old version's conclusion bit more (I liked how it skipped in places and was so distorted, rather than how the new version has the song flow smoothly but for bumps and scratches in places).

I think I'll stick with the older version. That's just me personally though.

Edit: Oh, and as for a name, I've come to just simply call this song, "C".

With the marine intro, it almost has a little bit of a play on the use of the letter as well as the word "sea" (whales and such at the intro).


Hmmm, other then introducing the kicks a little more gradually we didn't do anything to change the 'marine' aspect... and as for the ending, it turns out that the effect randomly 'scrambles' the sample each time, so unless we do something different it'll probably end up sounding unique for each export. But we could definitely set it up to do more skipping and distorting.

introduced the kick a little (just a little) more subtly in the intro
Hmm, I don't hear a difference. But hey, if you like the kick, you like the kick :P

I do hear a difference in the master EQ; sounds like you pushed the highs a little too far to me. It can be grating, so I'd scale that back. If you want more high end sparkle without adding harshness, I'd do it with a harmonics exciter like x-cita (which is great, but crashed one too many times for me) or dominion (which is awesome, but may require you chaining a few together before getting the same excitation impact as x-cita).

The new song structure is slightly better imo. Nothing too drastic, but I do think that it drags a little less.

the effect randomly 'scrambles' the sample each time, so unless we do something different it'll probably end up sounding unique for each export
That sucks. I'm too controlling to live with something like that. What are you using to scramble it? dBlue's Glitch will scramble it randomly for you but with repeatable results based on a seed value.

Ha ha, yeah, we like the kick thing too much to change it.

Yeah, the EQ did end up a bit flat... it's that 'difference between speakers effect', I think. Going back through and working on the individual channel mixes will fix that though. This is good - if we're talking about leveling and eq, it means the rest of the song is in a good place!

And that was a pretty shrewd guess - it is dBlue Glitch. We were using a few 'random' blocks, but I'll take a closer look at the seed setting.


@Diehard Trojan Von Nut - :shock: really? that trancey pluck synth sound and spacey square lead are playing the type-c melody throughout the whole thing, albeit changed up a bit timing-wise. The low-end is all in the bassline, which just keeps things solidly on-key. Actually, maybe you're thinking about a different track... because 'c' doesn't have any drums. This is the third music option on the first Tetris for the original NES.

... we're meeting saturday to revisit the mix, as well as take a look at a kirby track... stay tuned, updated mix will be posted later that night!

perhaps so, but i could have sworn there was only one tetris type C song...


that's the type C i remember forever and ever.

i dont hear it. not even when i shift the entire song pitch up 6 octaves!


Check out overclock's listing for the NES version of Tetris:


... as you can see, the remix you linked to is a remix of the second theme, not the third one. To be fair, it's not 'c-type', it's 'music - 3' under the heading 'music type' (the original is up on the TV as we speak) - are you thinking of the gameboy version, perhaps? If memory serves that one had music in a different order, or different tracks - but we're reasonably sure that the theme we've remixed is the third one available in the original NES version.


Just listened to the newest version. I definitely like it more than the first. They ending sounds outstanding, you guys did a good job on that part. Im really liking it and i hope you guys, even if you make a few changes, release it for the ocremix public :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, this might be it - we've messed around with the mixing and EQ'ing, fiddled with some volume, et cetera, and compared headphones versus speakers and whatnot. Unless anyone sees any glaring errors, this'll get submitted. Thanks for listening, and for all your insightful feedback, everybody! :grin:


i like how towards the end the melody starts to speed up, It makes me think the blocks are getting stacked too high like in the game the song speeds up as a warning, I like that alot, I personally think it should be a little faster but it still sounds amazing man, keep it up

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