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I don't really believe this is live, as most conductors have this terrible prejudice against VG music, and the recording is too clear for it. However, if I'm wrong, let me know who did it so I can say Kudos to them :))

It's pretty interesting sound behind it, but by the end I sort of get bored of the Strings/Brass sound (in particular, the high strings). I don't hear any woodwinds, either... Why? They're so wonderful...

Nice job with the percussion; it fits in real well into the music.

The tune is very similar to the source, and it sounds like you repeat some of the material a bit too much for my taste. I don't understand too much spanish, so I don't know what your saying in the post, but if your gonna touch up on this, I'd personally recommend adding some spice and variety to the repetitions.

Otherwise, very nice; it's always nice to hear Orchestral music up here every once in a while (it mixes up the common electronic sound nicely).

I don't really believe this is live, as most conductors have this terrible prejudice against VG music, and the recording is too clear for it. However, if I'm wrong, let me know who did it so I can say Kudos to them :))

It's pretty interesting sound behind it, but by the end I sort of get bored of the Strings/Brass sound (in particular, the high strings). I don't hear any woodwinds, either... Why? They're so wonderful...

Nice job with the percussion; it fits in real well into the music.

The tune is very similar to the source, and it sounds like you repeat some of the material a bit too much for my taste. I don't understand too much spanish, so I don't know what your saying in the post, but if your gonna touch up on this, I'd personally recommend adding some spice and variety to the repetitions.

Otherwise, very nice; it's always nice to hear Orchestral music up here every once in a while (it mixes up the common electronic sound nicely).

Thanks for your reply Gario. It's not a real orchestra, I played it.

The instruments are (like action films) brass and strings and electronic, no wind instrument.

Thanks again! :D

The instruments are (like action films) brass and strings and electronic, no wind instrument.

Oh, I see. It does have that sound behind it. You've emulated that well, so take it to the next level! Break out the flute, clarinet, oboe and bassoon!

Oh, and if you REALLY want the 'audience' effect, you need to put in some coughs at the quietest and most inappropriate moment... it seems that people always feel that's the most appropriate time to do it... x_x

Waiting to hear more from you! Good luck!


Fairly nice job! This has the action film feel you wanted. I like this jazzy feel the accompanying brass and strings have. Well, I get a jazzy vibe out of them. It's really delicious to me. I think overall, you should quantize the performance a bit (it's too loose), but be careful about keeping some of that looseness!

I agree with Gario you need to expand the instrumentation. The orchestra sounds very big, so it sounds skeletal with so few "instrument groups" if you know what I mean. The solo/lead violin is very exposed and least realistic in the mix. The coughs are a great, silly idea. The applause also starts much too soon. :)

I'm interested to hear more of this. The original works really well in this style.


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