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Well... The game in question is- ...quite ancient indeed. We're talking DOS. Before, or at least during the initial years of Windows 95...

I have been wracking my brain trying to remember the name of this game, to no avail, so I've decided to throw it out here and see if there are any other old timers who may recognize my pathetic attempts at describing it soley from memory...

It was basically a treasure hunting game of sorts, but it was of a map that you navigated your character around in. Everything was represented by symbols of some sort, including your character. The character was armed with a limited-use whip that could be used to destroy objects with enough hits. While exploring the map, you also had to avoid three types of enemies, each represented by symbols. One was red, slow and weak. One was green, normal speed and stronger. One was blue, fast, and dangerous. I can remember what the blue symbol creature is, but I can't find it on a character map to copy here...

I really wish I could recall what this game was... If anyone has any clue about it, please let me know.


Since it seems like a shame to waste a thread like this, I might as well throw another ancient-game-I-can't-remember-the-name-of out there. It was a mystery game -- cliche plot, what with various members of a family all arriving at a secluded manor for the reading of a will, and someone murdering most of them. You play a woman who's not actually part of the family -- I think you were someone's roommate or something, but I can't quite remember.

The game reminded me of one of those text adventure games in that you had to type in commands to interact with the environment, but it had graphical environments instead of just textual descriptions. Similarly to a text adventure game, there were a ridiculous number of ways to die -- highlights include getting stabbed in the shower Psycho style, breaking your neck by falling down the basement stairs if you didn't get a lantern, wandering too far from the manor and getting eaten by alligators (the game was set in the deep South), and getting kicked in the face by one of the horses in the stable.

I'm pretty sure it was a DOS game -- I recall struggling to remember the proper command prompt entries -- but it might have been Windows 3.1, as that's what was on our computer at the time. The only other thing I can remember about it was that it came with a hint book for when you got stuck -- it was one of those things that had hidden text that you had to look through a red plastic strip to read. It admonished you only to read specific questions when you were stuck and not to just browse the whole book -- and some of the questions in it were traps (eg, "What do I do with the skeletons in the closet?" when there were no skeletons in any closet in the game) so it could make fun of you for just reading random questions.

Given that I was probably about five at the time (early 90s) I never got very far in the game, but I do remember being very entertained by it none the less. I don't suppose that anyone has any idea what this game was?


I need help as well

I don't remember much because i was under 5 at the time, but I do remember that it took place it a log cabin (or some kind of secluded room). There was a male or female (I think you could choose, or it could be either) adult pacing around this room in a circle. After some time, some kind of yellow monster would come, and i think the objective of the game was to keep the monster out (i remember one of my cousins who was playing murmuring "Oh, you forgot to get the window"). When the monster did break in, it would chase the character around the room (albeit the person in the room was still going at walking speed, while the monster would "jump" after them)

The graphics were somewhat polygonal, which leads me to believe it may have not of have a DOS game at all, but while we're on the subject of old computer games i might as well ask


I saw a movie when I was five or so.. about a man who was afraid to go into playgrounds and he has these flashbacks of kids making fun of him and then pulling on the flesh of their faces in weird ways so that their skin sort of stretches so I think the children were demons maybe. I've asked hundreds of people over the years about this film and I'm really anxious to know if I imagined it and more specifically what the actual plot was since it did not make sense to me at the time.

When the monster did break in, it would chase the character around the room (albeit the person in the room was still going at walking speed, while the monster would "jump" after them)

I remember a game very similar to this annoying me to no end...I believe it was

I don't remember much because i was under 5 at the time, but I do remember that it took place it a log cabin (or some kind of secluded room). There was a male or female (I think you could choose, or it could be either) adult pacing around this room in a circle. After some time, some kind of yellow monster would come, and i think the objective of the game was to keep the monster out (i remember one of my cousins who was playing murmuring "Oh, you forgot to get the window"). When the monster did break in, it would chase the character around the room (albeit the person in the room was still going at walking speed, while the monster would "jump" after them)

Echoing mattoco, it definitely fits the description of Alone in the Dark. The beginning had a log cabin, a monster would break in shortly after it began, it was polyagonal, and your character could only walk at a snail's pace while the monster wailed on you. ...I never did like that game. KF

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