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Well, I finished up the single player campaign. Boy was that fantastic. I have to say that was one of the most polished campaigns I've played. I was really impressed by the AI and the animations, and the graphics really did live up to the hype. I tried multiplayer, but my internet connection is really unstable lately, so I played offline with bots. I was surprised by how much fun it was.. just with bots. If you ever want to play online, my PSN id is Plastikbag.


I beat it tonight as well. Generally pretty damn good game, graphics were nuts. Some of the final battles I found annoing because crap is happening from all around you and the slow turning really made it a pain to turn around and deal with. This game is at its best when you're slowly progressing forward.

I beat it tonight as well. Generally pretty damn good game, graphics were nuts. Some of the final battles I found annoing because crap is happening from all around you and the slow turning really made it a pain to turn around and deal with. This game is at its best when you're slowly progressing forward.

The rocket launchers. Gosh were they annoying. You might want to crank up your sensitivity a bit and get used to it, it seems necessary for multiplayer from what I've played.


I got it yesterday and played it most of the day. Its fantastic! It really lived up to the hype. The only problem I have, and its only a slight nitpick, are the controls. It really does make aiming a chore. At first I thought it was great while I was playing the singleplayer portion; it really makes you be very deliberate with how you play. However, when you're in multiplayer and there is a guy running sideways in relation to you its almost impossible to get a good shot on them. It feels like you have two speeds; 2 atoms per hour, and infinity-billion per second. Usually I would blame it on my inexperience with the controls, but I absolutely raped everyone in kills... And I really didn't think I was doing all that well, which really shouldn't happen. It just kinda makes you feel lethargic about aiming at anything.

I think its great that they tried to compensate for the shit analogue sticks on the PS3 controller, but it still feels like my biggest enemy is the controls. For instance, I was running behind a guy on the other team and waiting until he was going on a straight-away to make sure I could pull off a headshot. Well, to my surprise, I couldn't hit him in the slightest and he ran off, not even having the idea in his head that anyone was shooting at him. Again, I would say thats my inexperience with the controls, but I went on to be ranked #1 in the match... Grrrrrrr...

Anyone else feel that lethargic and frustrated with the controls in multi-player?


First thing: This singleplayer is great! War Perfected? I don't know. It's damn fun, a lot of things are going on EVERYWHERE which really immerses you, and the gunplay is REALLY good. That said, it does remind me A LOT of Call of Duty, which isn't a bad thing. It's a fun ride. After playing single player and moving along at my own pace the entire time, the controls didn't really bother me either... that is until I tried online multiplayer.

I was really frustrated with the controls when trying to play real people. I much more enjoyed playing the bots offline. The only reason I'm even trying to play online is just so I can get the unlocks.

I've only got a few of the guns and the medic tool, but what really frustrates me are simple things, like going up really tightly packed stairwells that turn. Its a chore to turn my character up these areas with constant tight turns (and God help you if an encounter another player here).

Again, controls for singleplayer did what I wanted, and I had a blast in the amazing levels, the sheer amount of things going on blew me away, and actually pushing the line in a few of the big shootouts was crazy fun...

... multiplayer is fun too, don't get me wrong, they bring some cool ideas to the table like dynamically changing map objectives and multiplayer modes, but I feel like I'm fighting the controls in this much more hectic environment, and it is causing me some frustration.

It might be that the controls for me need to be less sensitive, because the acceleration from turning after you hit the stick changes speed so fast that you can't determine where it's going. I think I might try lowering the sensitivity to like 30 or 40% and see how that does for me.

And I haven't played many matches online, but does anyone know if there is a mode man standing mode for multiplayer? And anyone have some recommendations on how to level up faster? It's taking dreadfully long to get knew content for my character.


I've only got a few of the guns and the medic tool, but what really frustrates me are simple things, like going up really tightly packed stairwells that turn. Its a chore to turn my character up these areas with constant tight turns (and God help you if an encounter another player here).

Amen. The game is also almost as bad as Counter-Strike Source in doling out random headshots. God help you if you're running up one of the multitude of stairs and someone at the top shoots at you. Instant headshot. It's still a pretty fun game, and the single player is amazing, but while online I couldn't help but ask myself why I wasn't playing COD4.


Yeah, and it doesn't help that the shotgun is the only gun that has auto-aim. I swear, there are so many shotgun headshots from ranges that should be too far for a shotgun to be effective. Its tricky to aim at constantly moving players online, and lining up a headshot is tough online just because players are erratic. The enemies in singleplayer act like you expect so killing them is easy (and fun). The slow response for the controls is what gets me online.

This is interesting though! News says Guerrilla is checking out the controls for a possible patch!!


If they patched the controls, I don't think I would have any complaints about the game.


So I FINALLY got the engineer class and in about 100 more XP I'll have the rocket launcher.

I've played the game so much today, I'm a little more used to the controls.

Man, if you're trying to level up, get the badge for Body Count mode. You need 8 ribbons for getting 10% of the kills in Body Count, and the badge will make your kills worth twice as many points. I swear, it makes leveling so much easier! Whew. It's so much easier, especially in the body count only servers.

I need to add you guys to my PSN list.

Add me to your friends and we can play online sometime.

nick : strike911

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  • 2 months later...

The only thing stopping me from buying this game is the controls. But I just heard that there is a patch out or almost out for it. Can anyone verify this? I really want in on this game, but I'm sure there are too many people that are used to the controls and would destroy me while I try to figure it out.

Also, is the patch a single and multiplayer control fix? Seems foolish that they would only do one or the other.

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